Sunset Magazine: Central Edition 1920-08: Volume 45 , Issue 2. 1966-03, 3-66-142 to 3-66-216 1949-01, 1-49-001 to 1-49-096 1989-02, 2-89-145 to 2-89-186 1977-12, 12-77-188 to 12-77-253 1987-06, 6-87-230 to 6-87-288 1983-08, 8-83-193 to 8-83-230 1979-07, Clippings, South, North, and Desert 1985-03, 3-85-048 to 3-85-094 1953-03, Clippings, South and North 1964-11, 11-64-235 to 11-64-234 Note: This issue has no cover. 1954-03, Clippings, South and North 1983-05, 5-83-289 to 5-83-349 1983-09, 9-83-265 to 9-83-317 Digitized from IA1627922-04 . 1965-06, 6-65-171 to 6-65-224 1984-05, 5-84-093 to 5-84-146 1989-08, 8-89-051 to 8-89-100 1954-12, 12-54-151 to 12-54-269 1950-08, Clippings, South and North 1949-11, 11-49-002 to 11-49-175 Sunset Magazine. 1967-05, 5-67-302 to 5-67-359 1960-05, 5-60-301 to 5-60-339 1957-05, 5-57-090 to 5-57-178 1959-07, Clippings, South and North 1964-12, 12-64-056 to 12-64-102 1968-03, March 1968 Central magazine 1958-12, 12-58-000 to 12-58-060 1960-06, 6-60-079 to 6-60-157 1992-12, Slides and transparencies 1966-10, 10-66-128 to 10-66-178 1962-10, 10-62-001 to 10-62-067 1956-12, 12-56-183 to 12-56-249 1981-04, 4-81-051 to 4-81-105 1948-05, Clippings, South and North 1986-12, 12-86-236 to 12-86-293 1961-01, 2-61-110 to 2-61-181 1982-03, 3-82-297 to 3-82-329 1960-10, 10-60-002 to 10-60-071 1958-03, Clippings, South and North 1987-03, 3-87-001 to 3-87-045 Use the search tool on the PDF to find a word or phrase. 1980-08, 8-80-125 to 8-80-178 Search the history of over 797 billion If you have a question with your order, you're in the right place. 1957-02, Clippings, South and North 1987-08, Slides, transparencies, memos 1978-05, 5-78-344 to 5-78-402 1978-06, 6-78-001 to 6-78-067 1988-12, 12-88-156 to 12-88-206 1964-07, Clippings, South, North, and Central 1964-03, March 1964 Central magazine 1987-09, 9-87-051 to 9-87-105 1962-01, Clippings, South and North 1983-04, 4-83-059 to 4-83-108 1953-06, Clippings, South and North 1952-02, 2-52-091 to 2-52-241 1981-08, 8-81-054 to 8-81-114 Digitized from IA1627922-04 . Digitized from IA1627922-03 . 1968-05, 5-68-236 to 5-68-278 1960-10, 10-60-072 to 10-60-147 1979-01, 1-79-001 to 1-79-058 1967-07, 7-67-074 to 7-67-135 1960-09, 9-60-071 to 9-60-146 1957-08, 8-57-073 to 8-57-129 1958-04, 4-58-136 to 4-58-248 Sunset. 1986-10, 10-86-141 to 10-86-191 1955-10, 10-55-309 to 10-55-399 1958-10, 10-58-075 to 10-58-180 1982-10, 10-82-112 to 10-82-170 1979-11, 11-79-173 to 11-79-237 1986-08, Clippings, South, North, and Desert 1966-01, Clippings, South, North, and Desert 1989-04, Slides, transparencies, and memos 1977-02, Negatives 1966-08, 8-66-173 to 8-66-231 1985-04, 4-85-235 to 4-85-283 1998-01, Slides and transparencies 1980-03, 3-80-001 to 3-80-052 1964-10, 10-64-228 to 10-64-293 1951-01, Clippings, South and North 1988-03, 3-88-121 to 3-88-170 1995-10, Slides and transparencies 1996-12, Fall - Winter 1996 Garden Guide Slides and transparencies, Slides and transparencies 1980-09, 9-80-117 to 9-80-170 1985-07, Clippings, South, North, and Desert 1965-10, Clippings, South, North, and Desert 1953-07, 7-53-000 to 7-53-076 1954-09, 9-54-001 to 9-54-097 1969-05, 5-69-078 to 5-69-152 Northwest Edition 1961: Volume 126 , Issue Index. 1987-05, 5-87-051 to 5-87-105 1960-07, 7-60-137 to 7-60-215 1979-05, 5-79-113 to 5-79-174 1981-11, Slides, transparencies, and memos Extent 172 Linear Feet (437 boxes, 2 map folders) Restrictions 1956-10, 10-56-078 to 10-56-191 1980-11, Slides and transparencies Next issue: sim_sunset-central-west-edition_1957-01_118_1 . 1982-05, 5-82-307 to 5-82-357 1977-01, 1-77-001 to 1-77-061 1977-09, 9-77-001 to 9-77-064 1989-01, 1-89-001 to 1-89-040 1968-02, 2-68-000 to 2-68-056 1979-06, Slides and transparency 1949-09, Clippings, South and North Northwest Edition 1967: Vol 139 Index, Sunset Magazine: Central Edition 1925-06: Vol 54 Iss 6, Sunset Magazine: Central Edition 1928: Vol 60 Index, Sunset Magazine: Central Edition 1922-11: Vol 49 Iss 5, Sunset. 1988-01, 1-88-151 to 1-88-203 1956-04, 4-56-266 to 4-56-322 1983-04, Clippings, South, North, and Desert 1989. 1988-11, 11-88-201 to 11-88-239 1962-08, 8-62-292 to 8-62-386 1963-01, 1-63-141 to 1-63-227 1986-02, 2-86-001 to 2-86-053 Digitized from IA1627922-03 . 1980-07, 7-80-119 to 7-80-173 1989-03, 3-89-051 to 3-89-100 1998-07, Slides and transparencies Previous issue: sim_sunset-central-west-edition_1927-06_58_6 . 1969-09, 9-69-125 to 9-69-183 1981-09, 9-81-164 to 9-81-221 1954-08, 8-54-000 to 8-54-089 1955-10, 10-55-127 to 10-55-212 Digitized from IA1627922-04 . 1989-05, 5-89-201 to 5-89-250 1963-10, 10-63-208 to 10-63-257 Next issue: sim_sunset-central-west-edition_1928-01_60_1 . Offers may be subject to change without notice. 1987-06, Clippings, South, North, and Desert 1948-09, Clippings, South and North 1967-08, 8-67-053 to 8-67-100 1978-05, 5-78-299 to 5-78-342 1983-06, 6-83-120 to 6-83-176 Previous issue: sim_sunset-northwest-edition_1965-12_135_6 . In order to use the collection, patrons should refer to indices to the magazine. 1987-08, Clippings, South, North, and Desert 1939-1941, Henry P. Schmidt Historic California Mission photographs (San Fernando) 1985-04, 4-85-001 to 4-85-040 Welcome to customer service for the Sunset Shop! 1982-01, Clippings, South, North, and Desert 1995-034, Spring - Summer 1995 Garden Guide Slides and transparencies, Slides and transparencies 1949-01, Clippings, South and North 1950-10, Clippings, South and North 1966-04, 4-66-156 to 4-66-243 1986-06, 6-86-046 to 6-86-088 1985-03, 3-85-000 to 3-85-047 1978-10, Slides and transparency Since 1957, the magazine's Western Home Awards program, cosponsored by the American Institute of Architects, has introduced readers to notable figures, including Richard Neutra, Charles Moore, Calvin C. Straub, and Frank Gehry. 1989-11, 11-89-041 to 11-89-080 1997-04, Slides and transparencies 1987-09, 9-87-106 to 9-87-165 Previous issue: sim_sunset-central-west-edition_1901-05_7_1 . 1948-03, Clippings, South and North 1950-09, 9-50-133 to 9-50-262 1961-03, 3-61-152 to 3-61-247 1978-11, 11-78-001 to 11-78-059 the late 1930s and early 40s by Henry P. Schmidt from an exhibition sponsored by Sunset's Lane Publishing Company.