Medical Disclaimer: does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. . The person I got her from lied to me about her being with a male. There is a 3-5 minute interval between each baby. WE SMILE If not, the female guinea pig will most likely bite or urinate on the male. . Here are the 10 most common signs of labor in most women: Nestinga sudden burst of energy. Around 12 hours before delivery the mammary glands start to produce milk. It is one of the first physical signs your guinea pig is pregnant shows. Around this time, youll notice the female cavy will be physically larger. If labor takes much longer than 20 minutes, she may require emergency medical attention. This is easily detectable by squeezing the teats. While your sow might bear from one to six pups or even more, the average litter size is 3. A female can give . Typically, only 2 to 4 ova (fertile eggs) are released by the female during the fertile period of the estrous. In some cases, pregnant guinea pigs triple the amount they consume in a day. After only a few of weeks, you should see your pet putting on weight, and the size of the mid-region getting truly perceptible. Once cavies mate, there is a noticeable quiet period afterwards.. Most likely, the babies are too big to get out or one of them has punctured the uterus calling for an immediate cesarean section. When Do Guinea Pigs Stop Growing and How Big Do They Get? Request counsel in focusing on a guinea pig in the event that she is pregnant. Your email address will not be published. Much like other Rodentia and those of the Lagomorpha species, guinea pigs have pearly whites that will grow without end in sight something that can be a serious health problem, Read More What Can Guinea Pigs Chew On? What most people dont know is that the number of babies affects the length of the pregnancy. I am definitely no expert, but the same situation happened to Tabytha Sue's previous owner, Chris. Cramps and increased back pain. In some cases, you may also be able to feel guinea pig fetuses inside your pet's stomach. But these little critters also mature early both physically and sexually. Some of the signs to watch out for include: 1. Some of the most common signs include: Lumps in the belly: A pregnant female, similar to most mammals, will have an enlarged belly and a group formed of aggregated cells (nodules or lumps) in her belly, which is a sign of a growing fetus. A voracious appetite and a heavier-than-normal appearance are good signs that your pig is pregnant. If you're unsure how to care for pregnant guinea pigs and newborn pups, read on. Its the time when the body is anatomically and sexually ready for pregnancy and the birth canal hasnt fully narrowed. The first noticeable sign on a pregnant sow is an increased appetite. The baby guinea pigs can be physically felt 2 to 4 weeks into pregnancy. Take a few moments to inform yourself of potential pregnancy problems and why breeding your guinea pigs is not a good idea: For the sake of your guinea pigs, do think twice before breeding them. At this time you will be even able to distinguish the body parts of the moving babies by gently touching the belly. Mood changes due to rise in hormone level, Increase in fatigue, resulting in more sleeping and/or change in sleeping pattern, The male, when courting a female, will physically display himself with actions like rumbling, standing upright before the sow, and approaching her with a lowered head.. Thats because they dont want other males to approach her. Jane is an experienced animal care specialist with a focus on rodents and small mammals, with over 10 years of experience in the pet industry. She could likewise become pregnant only two hours after she delivers an offspring. Many guinea pig parents don't intend to purchase a pregnant guinea pig or cause a pregnancy, but regardless of your intentions, it is important to be prepared for this possibility. no way!" During the last pregnancy stages, pregnant piggies tend to overeat. While your sow might bear from one to six pups or even more, the average litter size is 3. A male guinea pig who can not see or hear his mate may create pressure, making him defenseless to sickness. To feel for the unborn, place the pig on a towel on a firm surface. Youll need to ensure your pig is getting adequate food, water, and supplements since these things are additionally helping the embryos. Cavy Slave. Pre-farrowing happens 10 to 14 days before the delivery day. I know guinea pigs don't. Im worried about my sow she is pregnant and can feel pups move she is in her own cage with others right by her. My Marmalade is eating and drinking great. Your female guinea was kept with male guinea pigs If your female guinea was kept with male boars, then it is probable that she is pregnant. You will need to see a vet if this is the case. However, if youre still in the process of deciding whether to breed her, then heed our advice to not breed her. In the event that the vet affirms that your pig is pregnant, at that point it is significant that you ensure you realize how to appropriately take care of her. Interesting fact The largest numbers of pups a sow has given birth to was 14! Also, any pig that is pregnant conveys a one out of five possibilities of biting the dust as an immediate consequence of complexities during or after pregnancy or birth. A sow will build up an undeniable bulbous shape during pregnancy and will regularly twofold her weight. Let us delve deeper and find out more about pregnancies in guinea pigs and how to tell if a guinea pig is pregnant. Guinea pups, once born, will be completely furry. Female guinea pigs sexually mature as early as 2 months of age. The first thing you may notice is the mother becoming overly aggressive when grooming the pups. The sow will sit very squarely, and make a "hiccupping" type of motion. If you notice a pup with the sac remaining over its face, break the membrane open with your finger nail. A pregnancy puts weight on the sows organs and dissemination framework. If you have not removed males yet, do so at this point., Ideally, relocate cagemates elsewhere rather than removing the pregnant sow, so she can remain in familiar surroundings., Adding a soft, fleece blanket to her sleeping area., Covering the sleep section of the cage with a towel so she feels cozy and safe.. She may likewise drink more water than normal. Here are some signs that we learned to help determine if your guinea pig is pregnant. After each pup pops out, it may take three to five minutes for the other to emerge. An ultrasound output can picture precisely what the knocks are and affirm a pregnancy. Enormous litters generally have a more limited incubation period (length of pregnancy). The ultrasound test includes cutting a little square of hiding and applying gel to the uncovered skin. It is wise to make the pregnancy journey less cumbersome by providing the sow with a comfortable enclosure away from others. It is very helpful and appreciated. I always try to give her a small piece of fruit so that she has the extra energy to litter (not sure if this is the word for g-pigs, but it is the term for most rodents) if she needs to. When there is a dominant male, theres a likelihood that the other males wont try to interact with the mother. Generally, its best to treat a sow as though she is pregnant until it is proven otherwise. I haven't slept well in 3 nights cuz I am worrying about her From the sounds of it, there probably won't be any babies for a few days atleast. In general, the two main tell-tale signs early on are: Limiting access to food will deplete the sow of her own fat stores. Shivering and tail twitching is an indication that a piglet is on the way. On rare occasions, it means that the guinea pig is suffering from a sickness. Immediately before pushing some sows lie on their side and lift the upper hind leg. She ate her lettus leaf and a small piece of pear that I gave her about 20 min ago. Normally, you can spot the fetuses in her womb from around 2 weeks after mating. By the end of the gestation, her litter will be more than half of her body weight, so she should be over double the quantity she normally weighs. There are some signs which you can look at to determine whether your guinea pig is pregnant or not. Usually, a guinea pig delivery process is a bloodless and speedy course. Do not keep pregnant guinea pigs in multi-level cages/hutches as their balance will be impaired by pregnancy, and in the later stages of pregnancy they may not be able to get up to the higher tiers. Your email address will not be published. Know when a pig is going into labor. Near the end restrain yourself from picking the animal up. You should give bigger amounts of water to the mother to be as she will frequently drink more than ordinary. Just to clarify (as most of you know). In theory, guinea pigs can give up to 5 litters per year. The gestation period in guinea pigs varies between 59 and 72 days. By the time males are 3-4 weeks old, they should be separated from the females or you may have a whole new cycle of pregnancy to deal with! An uncomplicated birth process takes not more than 30 minutes. Degu Health Problems Common Diseases and Treatments. (And How? The sow will give a distinctive groan when she is going into labor and the first baby will normally appear after 5 minutes of . Later, her belly might also appear swollen and asymmetrical, but this can be hard to spot. Its important to know the exact stage of the pregnancy since you need to give different medicines, food supplies, a quantity of food and water according to each stage. Interesting fact - The largest numbers of pups a sow has given birth to was 14! A pig that goes into heat after breeding is an indication that she isn't pregnant. As a proud piggie parent, it is both your duty and privilege to oversee your guineas nutrition and keep them healthy, happy, and well-fed. Once in labour, the sow will cry out, and it takes about 5 minutes for each pup to emerge. As the female guinea pig gets older, the bones making up the pelvic canal form a permanent hard bridge by fusing. An ultrasound check is the best quality level for pregnancy conclusion among guinea pigs. I found out that my marvoulus Marmalade was with the male "Chester" from the end of October until 2 days before I picked her up. Okay, so a three-week-old male guinea pig can impregnate a female, but it is recommended that they are only neutered at around four months. Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this isnt medical advice and if you assume there might be a health-related issue, you should contact your vet. The average number of days female guinea pigs stay pregnant is 65 days. Is It Safe to Breed Cavies? The largest noted litter numbered 14 guinea pigs. Male boars, on the other hand, become sexually active at three months of age. With all this said, don't be surprised if your guinea pig falls pregnant while she still . They may also have difficulty breathing and exhibit muscle contractions. As a species, they also increase their food intake in the winter. Chester, the dad, is a golden agouti and white Peruvian. My name is Tim Rhodes and I'm a guinea pig enthusiast through thick and thin. It takes two or three weeks to wean pups, and remember that the baby males must be separated by the time they are at most three weeks old. After mating, guinea pigs have a gestation period of around 2 months (57 to 72 days) and then give birth to a litter of pups. If the male or other guinea pigs seem to get on her nerves, move them into another cage. That way, it becomes much easier to track the pregnancy process and detect health implications. Keep in mind! Guinea pigs are without a doubt cute, and baby guinea pigs climb twice as high on the cuteness ladder. If she isnt in the mooder, if shes not in heat, that isshe might very well bite him or snap at him. If your guinea pig allows you to touch her, use your fingers to gently examine her sides and stomach. The less stress the sow experiences, the easier the pregnancy and the childbirth will be. Female guinea pigs can come back into heat 15 hours after giving birth. During this time, keep watch for the following: Dystocia, or difficult birth, is common in sows who are older than 7-8 months and bred for the first time. There is, however, a thin line between sounding heartwarming and scary when people say the words guinea pig pregnancy. If you still decide to breed your guinea pig you shouldnt do it if the pet is more than 7 months of age. Her instincts are to remove any smell that will lead predators to her babies. She will get plenty of energy from a high quality pellet, a variety of fresh veggies, and hay. By choice and sometimes by accident, a pregnant guinea pig comes under our care. If the Mom does not bite off the placenta at the umbilical cord, you can sterilize a pair of cuticle scissors and carefully cut the umbilical cord about 1/2 inch from the babies tummy. In most cases, the small forms are a sign of guinea pig pregnancy. Keep a watchful eye on her eating habits. I have had sows that have run to the opposite end of the cage, like they are terrified! Water breaking. Welcome to Animallama, a place where experienced small pet owners share all the tips they learned over the years of caring for their fur friends. Learning cavies live in colonies and do best at least with a friend I purchased another. Lastly, you'll get the latest potential date for your guinea pig to give birth, which is 72 days from the day of the . Sows do not usually build nests, so provide some soft bedding in the cage. By the time she reaches the seventh week of pregnancy, the babies will make up about half of her total body weight. Guinea pigs dont typically create a nest to give birth, but you may want to make a warm, comfortable space for the sow by: Right now, the sows pelvic bone is under a lot of pressure, so minimize handling her to reduce added stress. During pregnancy, a thick plug of mucus blocks the cervical opening to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. In fact, you may even wonder if your cavy is actually pregnant. Guinea pigs, additionally called cavies, are individuals from the Caviidae family, a gathering that incorporates a few types of rodents from South America. The guinea pigs weight increase starts with a few grams per day. Those fertile periods can occur during any time of the year, but most frequently during spring. Note that your guinea requires a balanced diet more than ever. If possible, you can request your vet to sterilize your males or keep them in separate cages with the sows. You may even find her pregnancy waddle to be the cutest thing youve ever seen. Short-haired or, Read More 300+ Adorable Guinea Pig Names For Your New Piggy Pal(s)Continue, Your email address will not be published. Remember that the young pups have wide-opened eyes from birth. The whole process should take no more than 40 minutes. Male guinea pigs should be separated from the females as early as 3 weeks old, and female guinea pigs should be bred before they are 7 months old. She may eat up to the triple measure that she typically eats. Place the cage away from direct sunlight and from places where there are loud noises present. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. Before we talk about the stages of your guinea pigs pregnancy, lets make certain that your guinea pig is already pregnant. Youll have to carry her in a vehicle confined through treats or her number one vegetables/natural product. One more way to detect guinea pig pregnancy is the smell of the pet. Any apparent change of behavior in means of lethargy, anorexia, or depression can be a sign of sickness. Though you may not be able to gauge their weight difference easily, weigh your pet every day when you think they're pregnant and note the weight changes. The whole process from first contraction to last baby can be as short as 15 minutes, and up to 40 minutes depending on how many babies she has. They will grab the babies hair in their teeth and pull, till the babies squeal. The period during which the female is receptive to the male and will allow breeding lasts about 8 hours. Although you need to be careful not to apply any pressure to the region. I have no idea when she was bred. If any of them seem to bother her or tease her, they will need to be put in a separate cage. One of my guinea pigs is pregnant! In the first few weeks after giving birth to her litter, the female guinea pig will be at risk for post natal complications. Also, you might need to expand the fiber component in your guinea pigs diet. The length of the estrous cycle is 16 days. Cavies of both sexes, when mixed together and unsterilized, will most assuredly result in guinea pig pregnancy. What is a Group of Guinea Pigs Called? This can occur from 2 weeks before until 2 weeks after the birth. This is one effective way of removing dried fluids or blood from the coat. A serious condition that can occur during the last stage of guinea pig pregnancy is pregnancy toxemia. You might also keep in mind that some first time Mom's are not the greatest. You have to rely on a combination of indicators. As mentioned above, you should make sure you have the knowledge, time, financials to properly guide your guinea pig through that and consider not breeding at all if any one of these requirements isnt fulfilled. Our giant list of over 300 guinea pig names, ever-so-thoughtfully subdivided into male and female sections, may quite possibly cause you to give your furry fluffsters some seriously long-winded royal names! I have no idea when she was bred. The homegrown guinea pig species, Cavia porcellus, doesnt exist in nature. Our content is written by knowledgeable small pet owners with years of experience and is based on scientific research and expert recommendations. You must log in or register to reply here. Well with guinea pigs its the opposite. Male guinea pigs will keep on mounting pregnant sows, which can put pressure or torment your pregnant sow late in the pregnancy (after the 50-day mark). The sow licks the babies and eats the amniotic sack when once they are out. During the entire pregnancy process, sows require a rich supply of Vitamin C. It is recommended that pet owners should double the quantity up to 20 mg per day. Estrous cycle is 16 days most frequently during spring ultrasound test includes cutting a little square of hiding and gel. Pig enthusiast through thick and thin cage, like they are out be as she will frequently drink more pregnant guinea pig signs of labor! Advice to not breed her suffering from a sickness who can not see or hear mate... 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