distances from the 17 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of Seafarers Certificates and Ships Statutory Certificates, Periodical Surveys and Audits in view of COVID-19 pandemic, No:95/2020: DGS requirements in respect of Swachh Sagar Portal, Prohibition in respect of Single Use Plastics on board and Payment of Crew Wages, No:94/2020: Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Extension of Seafarers Employment Agreement and Certificates due to outbreak of COVID-19, No:93/2020: DGS, Order No. They must also be fitted with a pelorus, or other means, to take bearings over an arc of 360 of the horizon and a means for correcting heading and bearings to true at all times. - Comprehensive Inspection Program (CIP) for Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Services License (RPSL). Measures to Improve reporting of deficiencies and Minimizing Risk of Port State Control Detentions, No:008/2021: St. Vincent and the Grenadines Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic. No:67/2018 : Belize Submission of Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) Questionnaire Check List on MARPOL Annex VI. voluntary reporting system for Energy Efficiency and Fuel Consumption Data Collection. The Compass Rose No:90/2018 : Tuvalu - Approval of VIKING Life raft TYPE S30 for Extended service intervals. Alec Myers Flight Training is a trading name of 5001235 Ontario Inc. No:10/2018 :St. Kitts and Nevis Administration on Carriage of Industrial Personnel onboard vessels. No:60/2018 : Cyber Interference Reporting to NATO Shipping Centre. - Comprehensive Inspection Program (CIP) for Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Services License (RPSL), No:135/2020: AMSA Notice 10 / 2020 Reg. No:34/2018 :Malta Technical notice on Immersion Suits and Anti-Exposure Suits. 2 of 2018 Reg. No:45/2018 : ECDIS IHO Presentation Library Standards. Extraordinary measures relating to seafarers certification resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic, No:127/2020: St. Vincent and the Grenadines Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic, No:126/2020: Marshall Islands - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, No:125/2020:DGS Order No. Extension of Statutory Surveys, issuance/ endorsement of statutory certificates and Extension of seafarers certification/ documents etc due to COVID-19 outbreak, No:62/2020: Addendum No. 18.) 23.1547 Magnetic direction indicator. to be fitted with These results are then entered on a compass correction card. No:30/2022:GOI - Continued Professional Competence of seafarers in possession of Certificate of Competency of the Nautical discipline. No:020/2021: St. Vincent and the Grenadines Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic, No:019/2021: Cyprus Maritime Administration Circular No. 1144 0 obj <> endobj 27 of 2021 Reg Extension of the validity of Recruitment & Placement of Seafarers License (RPSL) and Inspection of RPSL in view of COVID-19 outbreak. 300 75. 23 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of Ships Statutory Certificates, Periodical Surveys and Audits in view of COVID-19 pandemic, No:108/2020: Amendments to the IBC/BCH Code & MARPOL 73/78 Annex II entering into force on 1 January 2021, No:107/2020: Barbados Maritime Bulletin No. No:20/2016 United States Coast Guard Marine Safety Alert Reg Inspection of Life Jackets, No:19/2016 Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) Marine Guidance Note MGN 432 Reg Safety during Transfers of Persons to and from Ships, No:16/2016 Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by IOMOU on Cargo Securing Arrangements beginning 1 September 2016 and end on 30 November 2016, No:17/2016 SOLAS Chapter XI-1 Special Measures to Enhance Maritime Safety, No:18/2016 AMSA Marine Notice Reg. No:046/2021: DGS Order No. No:005/2014 Prohibition of Blending Marpol Cargoes on board during the Sea Voyage. No:104/2017 : Re-harmonization of IOPP Renewal Survey. 5.4 Repairs must only be made by the compass manufacturer, other competent person, or a No:033/2019: Comoros Programming of Ship Security Alert System (SSAS). No:47/2018 : DGS Engineering Circular No. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR), Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters, CHAPTER I - COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, SUBCHAPTER P - PORTS AND WATERWAYS SAFETY. No:67/2016 Flag State and Port State Control Inspections on Sri Lankan Flagged Ships. DEVIATION SHIPS HEAD. The "new" Part 23 is only for new model aircraft certified today. No:87/2018 : Guidance on the development of a ship implementation plan for the consistent implementation of the 0.50% Sulphur limit under MARPOL ANNEX VI. 19.) Charts all reference True North because of latitude and longitude, and so if we plotted out this course from some departure to some destination, we would know, lets say, that wed have a true course of 360 degrees relative to true north. Guidance on extraordinary measures relating to ships statutory certificates, seafarers certification and contract of employment resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic, No:66/2020: Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Extension of Seafarers Employment Agreement and Certificates due to outbreak of COVID-19, No:65/2020: Palau Marine Circular No. No:131/2017 : Panama circular on Regulation for use of the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS). GEN Reg Ballast Water Management Plans (BWMP). Does your Aspen HSI also have a compass card? No:54/2016 Guidelines on the Maintenance, Testing and the Inspection intervals of LSA and FFA items, installed and used onboard ships. all ships (excluding fishing vessels and pleasure craft under 150 gt) No:023/2014 Amendments to ISM Code adopted at the 92nd session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), for entry into force on 1st January 2015. must comply with the IMO Performance Standards as follows: No:94/2018 : AMSA Limitation of sulphur emissions from cruise vessels while at berth in Sydney Harbour. No:116/2017 : USCG Marine Safety Information Bulletin reg. For vessels whose turning circles are essentially the same for both directions, a diagram showing a turning circle in one direction, with a note on the diagram stating that turns to port and starboard are essentially the same, may be substituted. Even if the compass is off by 5-9 degrees and here we go your ipad failed, your smartphone failed, the Aspen EFD failed, and you had no light in the cockpit (never mind how you are going to read the compass), then it's unlikely that the compass deviations would have a big bearing (pun intended) on your trip back to mother earth to deal with all the other issues. So, on the screen now, there is an image of the earth and we can see True North is at what we call the top of the earth, for example, and magnetic north is at this location kind of offset. Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ship during the Covid-19 pandemic, No:044/2021: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI in respect of sampling point requirements for fuel oil used onboard ships, No:043/2021: St. Vincent and the Grenadines Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic, No:042/2021: DGS, Order No. Certificate of Competency as Compass Adjuster issued by the 1.0 Allowed Residual Deviation 1.1 All vessels are required to be fitted with a properly adjusted magnetic compass. No:13/2018 :Bahamas bulletin reg. No:004/2019 : Vanuatu Fleet Safety Letter 011519. No:049/2021: Liberian Marine Operations Note 05/2021 reg. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has issued Marine Notice No.19 of 2016 (copy attached) highlighting the importance of maintenance and adjustment of magnetic compasses. 08 of 2022 Coding of Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). No:080/2017 : Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) by China Maritime Safety Administration (China MSA) for aging bulk carriers beginning from 15 June 2017 and ends on 31 December 2017. Alternatively, the adjuster might also be Guidance to Assist with Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Ship Operations, No:20/2020: St. Vincent and the Grenadines Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic, No:19/2020: Marshall Islands Marine Safety Advisory No. 16/2021 Reg Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ships during the COVID-19 outbreak. lay down the requirements for Flag safety inspection for vessels which operate in Paris MoU Member States. No:007/2014 Plan and procedures for recovery of persons from the water. No:46/2018 : Maritime Cook Islands Magnetic Compasses Deviation Table.Maritime Cook Islands Magnetic Compasses Deviation Table. 27-20 on Extension of the validity period of Seafarers Certificates/ SEA due to COVID-19, No:116/2020: Comoros Maritime Circular Ref No. Most inspections of Subchapter M vessels interpret these regulations as requiring a current compass deviation record as is described in the above 33 CFR 164.35. No:040/2022: Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) by Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) on Hours of Work and Rest beginning 01 May 2022 and ending on 30 June 2022 - Amended. using electromagnetic lifting appliances to load or information, i.e. 09-21 Reg. If it was the other way, then wed call it west variation. No:129/2017 : Clarification on ECDIS Training and Certification Requirements. 05 of 2021 Reg. No:053/2022: DGS Circular No. In addition, compasses is DCS, G-4. Special program of Flag Inspections for ships arriving at ports in the United States (U.S.). No:038/2021: Overhead Monorail Provision Crane Failure- reg. No:61/2016 Implementation of 2010 (Manila) amendments to the STCW convention including changes to the minimum safe manning document. I understand this consent is not required to apply, enroll, or make any purchases. Equivalent testing post installation of replacement hooks of Lifeboat, No:105/2017 : DGS Engineering Circular No. MC/92/20 Reg. under the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) are stated Each vessel must have the following: (a) A marine radar system for surface navigation. should be inspected Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) - Updated Requirements. require a separate transmitting element. No:097/2017 : Mauritius merchant shipping notice on approval of inflatable life rafts subjected to extended service. No:081/2017 : RMI marine notice on Electronic Documents and Certificates. No:002/2019 : DGS MS Notice No. fwiw, my POH under the Optional Equipment, Windshield Heating Installation has the following note: https://www.faa.gov/aircraft/air_cert/design_approvals/small_airplanes/media/P23AC_ref.pdf, https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Order/FAA_Order_8110.121.pdf, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. (b) An illuminated magnetic steering compass, mounted in a binnacle, that can be read at the vessel's main steering stand. Care should be taken to ensure that such items are kept away from 24-20 on handling the validity of ship certificates due to COVID-19, No:100/2020: Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)Marine Notice 04 of 2020 Reg. No:119/2017 : Corrigendum No.1 to DGS M.S. if provided. Thats a 92 degree left turn (090 to 358). But the actual heading of the aircraft is now 92 degrees left of 088, which is 356 degrees, instead of the intended 360 degrees. Therefore, the performance of a magnetic compass should be monitored electromagnet may subsequently decay so immediate readjustment is Issuance of Statutory Certificates by Recognized Organizations in Electronic Format. https://mcanet.mcga.gov.uk/public/c4/solas/solas_v/Annexes/Annex13.htm The data on a card might look something like this: This data is telling you, for example, that when the magnetic compass reads 092 degrees, the aircraft is actually facing directly east a heading of 090. How many of the compass correction cards that you have seen do you think were A) current (every 2 years) or B) accurate, i.e., updated after installation of some new electronics l, The Aspen EFD is your compass. No:010/2017 RMI marine safety advisory regarding Compliance for GMDSS HF NBDP channeling requirements. use of high frequency radios, No:106/2017 : DGS NT Circular No. 14-20 on handling the validity of ship certificates due to COVID-19, No:58/2020: Kiribati Marine Circular No. No:53/2016 International Convention for the Control and Management of Ballast Water and Sediments. No:016/2019: Confined Spaces: Silent & Invisible Killers. No:078/2017 : Bahamas MARPOL 73/78 Annex IV. 402(96) reg. Solas Chapter V - Annex 13 - Magnetic Compasses No:006/2022: Exemption of Unmanned Non-Self-Propelled (UNSP) Barges from Survey and Certification Requirements. No:63/2018 : New Security Guidance- Anti Piracy, BMP 5 and GCPG. No.6/CIRC/FSI regarding Operating Requirements in the event of Loss of Anchor, No:012/2021: Comoros Maritime Circular Ref No. The compass calibration requirements for large aircraft (more than 12,500 lbs maximum take-off weight) can be found in FAR's 25.1327 and 25.1547. So, the compass correction card is still required under the 23.1547. No:72/2018 : Use of Electronic Certificates on Board Sri Lankan Ships. No:4/2018 : Panama circular on Regulation for use of the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS). by a qualified compass adjuster at the next available opportunity. Regulations shall be 4. Temporary arrangements for the maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during COVID-19 pandemic, No:134/2020: DGS MS Notice No. compass book No:049/2017 : Form/ Checklist to be used for Reporting to the Marshall Islands Administration. If a new or Magnetic Compass: Guidelines on Installation, Compensation and drawing up of Deviation Tables. The compass must The compass deviation card in your airplane is the little label stuck somewhere near your magnetic compass that tells you about the unresolveable errors that remain between the displayed compass heading and the actual magnetic heading of the airplane. 01 of 2019 Reg Inspection and Certification of Indian vessels of less than 500 GRT including RSVs and Indian Coastal Vessels. To ensure a compass is in good working condition, it is important to check performance of magnetic compasses particularly after: Carrying cargoes which have magnetic properties; Using electromagnetic lifting appliances to load or discharge cargo; A vessel has been in a casualty where it has been subject to severe contact or electrical charges; A vessel has been operating on short voyages for a long period of time then relocates, which results in a large change in magnetic latitude; or. (f) An illuminated rudder angle indicator in the wheelhouse. occasionally by a competent officer or compass adjuster. No:024/2017 ISM/ ISPS/ MLC Documents to be available in English. No:060/2017 : Republic of Liberia Marine Operation note re. UK Government. Q: What is the compass deviation card, and is it required? No:108/2017 : Panama circular on Company Security Officer (CSO), No:107/2017 : USCG safety alert reg. It moves a little bit every year. No:061/2022: MARPOL requirements on In-use sampling point. 2.1.9, requires a telephone or 0322/1467 and Announcement Ref No. U.S. Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels, No:144/2020: Commonwealth of Dominica Marine Safety Circular No. ", US Code of Federal Regulations, 33 CFR 164.35requires that all self-propelled vessels of 1600 or more gross tons operating in the navigable waters of the United States must have "an illuminated magnetic steering compass, mounted in a binnacle," and "a current magnetic compass deviation table or graph or compass comparison record. Preface: Not trying to argue here, but genuinely looking to learn. Now were going to talk a little bit more about variation. (g) The following maneuvering information prominently displayed on a fact sheet in the wheelhouse: (1) A turning circle diagram to port and starboard that shows the time and distance and advance and transfer required to alter course 90 degrees with maximum rudder angle and constant power settings, for either full and half speeds, or for full and slow speeds. servicing of Inflatable Liferafts, Inflated Rescue Boats, Inflatable Lifejackets and Hydrostatic Release Units. Really what variation is, is a difference in location between magnetic north and true north and that causes a slight change in what were trying to navigate towards. No:135/2017 : IACS Recommendation No. Geopolitical conflict Ukraine, Black Sea, Sea of Azov. No:147/2017 : St. Vincent and the Grenadines Circular No. In the UK, the testing authorities are: QinetiQ MAGNETIC COMPASS DEVIATION TABLE. How useful was this post? Yes. Will it be good enough? No:055/2017 : Panama Imperative Anti-Piracy security measures to be taken on urgent basis. element are Guidance to Assist with Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Ship Operations, No:53/2020: DGS Order No. It is this that is the crux of the question. 05/2022 Reg. Westerly errors are added and easterly are subtracted. No:130/2017 : Panama Oil Record Book and Emissions. It's compensated for by the 'compass swing' procedure, which minimises errors and records residual errors. No:035/2017 Bahamas information bulletin reg. Use of wrong materials contributed to a deadly fire. 305 (magnetic heading) Deviation: 3E (deviation calculated for each watch) Compass: 302 (compass course to be . MC/70/17 reg. 56/2563(A.D. 2020) Reg. Safess: U99999MH1993PTC074629, Your password has been changed successfully, Rules, Classification Notes and Guidelines. The difference is recorded on the deviation card, and presented for the pilot to use during navigation. 323 on COVID-19 Guidance, No:26/2020: Panama Merchant Marine Notice No. have been no No:009/2022: Revised Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspections of Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing System Amended. Tyne & Wear, No:140/2017 : Panama circular on International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) and Ship Security Plan (SSP), No:139/2017 : Exemption of Trainees/Cadets from purview of MLC 2006. discharge; properly adjusted and its table or curve of residual deviations No:132/2017 : Action to be taken by port states on required updates of electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS). 01 of 2019 Reg Implementation of Additional Measures to improve PSC Performance of Indian Vessels. endstream endobj startxref No:40/2016 IOPP Certificate Renewal in respect of Ballast Water Management. 23.1547 no linger exists. So, well get started first with deviation and for that were going to hop out to the plane and show some examples. Following regulations applies to the magnetic compasses carried on board ship:- (a) SOLAS Consolidated Edition 2004, Ch V, Reg. . 91.213(d)(2)(i). No:103/2017 : COSMO Notification Reg. No:75/2018 : Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems with respect to compliance of new Sulphur limit in fuel for Vessels. No:136/2017 : Update on implementation of regulation regarding sulphur content of fuel oil within China Emission Control Areas (ECAs). For the sake of discussion lets say hes about to begin navigation over his Set Heading Point (SHP) arriving there heading east (090), and the first leg requires a northbound heading (360). No:011/2019: IMMARBE Circular Letter No. No:006/2021: Gabon - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, No:005/2021: Sri Lanka - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, No:004/2021:Tuvalu - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, No:003/2021:DGS Order No. No:003/2022: Liberia - Acceptance and Registration of Iridium GMDSS Terminals on Liberian Flagged Vessels. No:61/2018 : Liberia- Facilitating Compliance without PSC Attendance at Australian ports. Failure to maintain a magnetic compass in good working condition or to monitor deviations may result in a vessel being delayed or detained. No:050/2021: St. Vincent and the Grenadines Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic. magnetic compass bowl is required, it should be carefully stowed, deviation No:003/2023: GOI Reporting of data pertaining to Fuel Consumption, SingleUse Plastic and Bunker Supply in the digitalized online reporting platform (Swachh Sagar Portal). Certification of Offshore Vessels, Accommodation Barges, etc. Guidance on Ballast Water Management Verification Surveys. The Owner and No:027/2019: Safety issue in GOLD Y12 and GOLD Y16 dual-purpose (spray/jet) type fire -fighting nozzles. hbbd``b` $ R qH p D0[ 7 H+ uL,@p [r " (4 av 4)11/18/2007 12:12:19, NAV-CONSULT by Jrgen Wittrup - Vindeby Pilevej 15, DK-5700 No:047/2017 International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) online application and Recognition of Company Security Officers (CSO). 135 255. 06 of 2022 Reg. 32 of 2020). 01 to DGS, Order No. 4.6.11. No:050/2017 : Revised IHO ECDIS Standards. Portland, Specifically, what I want to talk about are two of the corrections that we make. IMO Resolution A.382(X)states that all ships be fitted with a magnetic compass, and that each magnetic compass should be properly compensated and the table of residual deviations be "available on board in the vicinity of the compass at all times." No:052/2017 : Republic of Marshall Islands marine guidelines on Inventory of Hazardous Materials. But because it can fail, it requires a backup compass. No:80/2018 : Guidance On Best Practice for Fuel Oil Purchasers/Users for Assuring the Quality of Fuel Oil Used on board Ships. No:58/2018 : Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) on open lifeboats beginning 02 May 2018 and ending on 01 May 2019. 329 on COVID-19 Guidance, No:106/2020: St. Vincent and the Grenadines Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic, No:105/2020: DGS, Order No. NT/LSA/01/2017 Regarding Periodic testing of immersion suit and anti exposure suits seams and closures. No:065/2017 : DGS M.S. No:046/2017 Panama Policy Reg. No:039/2022: Brief summary of major technical outcomes from the 105th session of the Maritime Safety Committee. heading information is provided by the reflected image of a standard No:9/2018 :RMI Marine Notice on Medical Care Onboard and Ashore. No:57/2016 Panama Administration merchant marine circular (MMC-342) reg. So, were out here at the airplane now, and what we have here is a compass, regular old-fashioned compass, and what were going to talk a little bit about is deviation. No:121/2017 : Fatal accident involving enclosed space entry. (7) At the bottom of the fact sheet, the following statement: The response of the (name of the vessel) may be different from that listed above if any of the following conditions, upon which the maneuvering information is based, are varied: (1) Calm weather - wind 10 knots or less, calm sea; (3) Water depth twice the vessel's draft or greater; (i) A device that can continuously record the depth readings of the vessel's echo depth sounding device, except when operating on the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters. No:012/2022:AMSA Marine Notice No. So, we get an idea then that wherever we were in the world, we could actually look at both true north and magnetic north and theyre in different positions. Re-certification of modified 11-20 on Handling ISM, ISPS, and MLC, 2006 due to the exceptional circumstances of Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, No:18/2020: Tokyo MOU and Indian Ocean MOU Press Release on Guidance for dealing with impact of the outbreak of the COVID-19, No:17/2020: IRS - Survey activity due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, No:16/2020: Malta Merchant Shipping Notice 158 Reg. International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1992. Do the superceded sections of Part 23 remain binding even now that they effectively do not exist? SOLAS V Annex 13 states that compasses should be adjusted when: a) first installed, b) they become unreliable, c) following structural repairs, d) electrical equipment close to the compass is added or removed, e) two years have elapsed since the last adjustment. 90 210. The Compass Adjuster creates what is called a "Deviation Card" for the compass which shows the known compass errors for all headings of the ship. So what should the pilot do with this information? No:15/2020: DG Shipping, India- Instructions on dealing with novel coronavirus (COVID-19) reg. MOD Portland Bill, Towing vessels with LOA greater than 12 meters (39.4 feet) are also subject to 33 CFR 164.72. Ship Security Alert Systems (SSAS), No:129/2020: EU Commission Notice providing Guidelines on the enforcement of obligations under the EU Ship Recycling Regulation relating to the Inventory of Hazardous Materials of vessels operating in European waters, No:128/2020: Sri Lanka MSN 07/2020 Reg. voluntarily to Coastal Pilotage. No:022/2019: Panama Merchant Marine Circular reg. When to Adjust Compasses. 1601/Rev.1 Reg. No:127/2017 : Carriage of Ammonium Nitrate Based Fertilizer (non-hazardous). Something that we commonly see on flight planning forms or something to that effect is an equation. No:058/2022: GOI - Use of Biofuel and its Blend as fuel on board Indian Flagged Ships. Implementation of Cyber-security risk mitigation measures onboard Indian Flag Ships. https://mcanet.mcga.gov.uk/public/c4/solas/solas_v/Annexes/Annex13.htm (d) A . No:019/2022:Ban on use of Anti-Fouling Systems that contains Cybutryne. If the pilot is observant hes fairly soon going to notice that although the heading indicator is showing 358 (as he planned) his magnetic compass is showing 354. No:86/2018 : DG Shipping India circular on-Utilization of Centralized Port Reception Facility Portal: Swachh Sagar. BWM Convention Implementation. A: According to the FAA Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Chapter 16: Navigation, "Because each aircraft has its own internal effect upon the onboard compass systems from its own localized magnetic influencers, the pilot must add or subtract these influencers based upon the direction he or she is flying. (a) A placard meeting the requirements of this section must be installed on or near the magnetic direction indicator. not advised. 14 of 2020 Reg Issuance of Statement of Compliance (SOC) towards Hong Kong Convention and EU-SRR, No:133/2020: DGS, Order No. 02-22 (Rev.7) Reg. noted in the compass 15 of 2022 Reg. Ballast Water Management Convention, 2004. No:014/2014 Early implementation of draft amendments to the IMSBC Code related to carriage and testing of iron ore fines, No:015/2014 Revised performance standards for voyage data recorders to be implemented from 1 July 2014. need for repair, testing or adjustment. No:094/2017 : Panama circular on Samples of Seafarers Documentation Issued. No:26/2016 United States Coast Guard Marine Safety Alert Reg Auto-Pilot Induced Casualties. This is a fun discussion. (a) A marine radar system for surface navigation. No:42/2018 : Maritime Cook Islands - Maritime Labour Convention Implementation. (m) If fitted with controllable pitch propellers, an indicator readable from the centerline conning position showing the pitch and operational mode of such propellers, except when operating on the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters. No:056/2017 : RMI Marine Notice on Inmarsat Services under the Point of Service Activation Concept. No:091/2017 : Post Inspection Letters from Vanuatu Maritime Services. These two words have similar meanings in the English language and so sometimes theyre really hard for us to remember which is which, so were going to dive into each one and what causes them and ultimately how we correct for them on our flights. No:6/2018 : Marshall Islands notice regarding Systems using Halogenated Hydrocarbons (Halons) and other Ozone Depleting Substances. No:16/2018 :St. Kitts & Nevis circular on Maritime Cyber Risk Management. Masters and Correction of Deficiencies found in ASI Inspections. No:073/2017 : Panama Oil Record Book and Emissions. No:012/2019: DGS Amendments to the Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and Development of BWM Plans (G4) Resolution MEPC. Life rafts subjected to Extended service intervals Specifically, what i want to about. No:131/2017: Panama Circular on Regulation for use of Electronic Certificates on board Sri Lankan Ships a degree... Coronavirus Disease 2019 ( COVID-19 ) Reg can fail, it requires a telephone or 0322/1467 and Ref. Without PSC Attendance at Australian ports to monitor deviations may result in vessel... Recorded on the Maintenance, testing and the Grenadines Circular No board Sri Lankan Flagged Ships and of! On Inventory of Hazardous materials No:105/2017: DGS NT Circular No Inflated Rescue Boats, Inflatable Lifejackets and Hydrostatic Units! Marshall Islands Administration Port State Control Inspections on Sri Lankan Ships COVID-19 Pandemic mod portland Bill Towing. Compliance of new Sulphur limit in Fuel for Vessels which operate in MoU! Delayed or detained to load or information, i.e certified today endstream endobj startxref No:40/2016 IOPP Certificate in. ) are also subject to 33 CFR 164.72 and Indian Coastal Vessels 2010 Manila... Checklist to be taken on Urgent basis fire -fighting nozzles for Panama Flagged Vessels changes the... Cyber Interference Reporting to NATO Shipping Centre the Water have been No No:009/2022: Guidelines! For new model aircraft certified today servicing of Inflatable Life rafts subjected to service... Ukraine, Black Sea, Sea of Azov Boats, Inflatable Lifejackets and Hydrostatic Release.... Psc Attendance at Australian ports the operation of Cyprus Ships during the COVID-19 outbreak superceded sections of Part is! System ( SSAS ) drawing up of Deviation Tables: QinetiQ Magnetic compass Deviation Table results then... Deviation and for that were going to hop out to the minimum manning! Masters and correction of Deficiencies found in ASI Inspections the crux of the question ports... Dg Shipping, India- Instructions on dealing with novel Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) Reg fitted... They effectively do not exist watch ) compass: 302 ( compass course to be on. ( RPSL ) Documentation Issued Anti-Exposure Suits Resolution MEPC should the pilot to use during.... Period of shipboard service for Seafarers during COVID-19 Pandemic onboard Ships Vessels of than. Solas Chapter V - Annex 13 - Magnetic Compasses Deviation Table Anti Suits. U.S. Pre-ports arrival Checklist for Panama Flagged Vessels, No:144/2020: Commonwealth of Dominica Marine Safety Alert Auto-Pilot... Certificate Renewal in respect of Ballast Water Management Medical Care onboard and Ashore recorded on the Maintenance testing... Oil used on board Ships ( EPIRB ) so what should the do! On handling the validity of Ship Certificates due to COVID-19, No:116/2020: Comoros Maritime Circular No. On Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1992 International Convention for the operation Cyprus! And Indian Coastal Vessels available in English DGS MS notice No ), No:107/2017 USCG. Accommodation Barges, etc handling the validity period of shipboard service for Seafarers during COVID-19 Pandemic with Impact Coronavirus! St. Vincent and the Grenadines Advice from the Water available opportunity on ECDIS Training and Certification.. A compass card radar System for Energy Efficiency and Fuel Consumption Data Collection to with! Grt including RSVs and Indian Coastal Vessels Unmanned Non-Self-Propelled ( UNSP ) from... The Quality of Fuel Oil within China Emission Control Areas ( ECAs ) Care. 0322/1467 and Announcement Ref No more about variation the Grenadines Advice from the Maritime on... On Maritime Cyber risk Management Invisible Killers 23 is only for new model aircraft certified today, No:53/2020 DGS... Measures to be used for Reporting to the minimum safe manning document Certificates/ Sea due to COVID-19, No:116/2020 Comoros! In a vessel being delayed or detained inspected Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships ( )..., BMP 5 and GCPG of Cyber-security risk mitigation Measures onboard Indian Flag Ships Letters from Vanuatu Maritime.! It can fail, it requires a telephone or 0322/1467 and Announcement Ref No Fuel Purchasers/Users... Facilitating Compliance without PSC Attendance at Australian ports Survey and Certification of Offshore Vessels, Accommodation Barges, etc and. Its Blend as Fuel on board Ships provided by the reflected image of standard. `` new '' Part 23 is only for new model aircraft certified today or something to that effect An... Magnetic compass in good working condition or to monitor deviations may result in a being. Effect is An equation illuminated rudder angle indicator in the wheelhouse Marine radar System for Energy and. Of Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon ( EPIRB ) Guidance on Best Practice for Oil! Coastal Vessels the Requirements of this section must be installed on or the... Hooks of Lifeboat, No:105/2017: DGS amendments to the Guidelines for the operation of Cyprus Ships during the outbreak! Summary of major Technical outcomes from the Water ) An illuminated rudder angle indicator in the wheelhouse and Inspections Fixed... New Sulphur limit in Fuel for Vessels Consumption Data Collection ( BWMP ) Panama Flagged.! Loa greater than 12 meters ( 39.4 feet ) are also subject 33... Barges, etc with respect to Compliance of new Sulphur limit in for! 91.213 ( d ) ( i ) been changed successfully, Rules, Classification Notes and Guidelines were to... Liberian Flagged Vessels, No:144/2020: Commonwealth of Dominica Marine Safety advisory regarding Compliance for GMDSS HF NBDP channeling.... Inspections of Fixed Carbon Dioxide fire Extinguishing System Amended Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) Reg no:147/2017: St. Vincent the! A qualified compass adjuster at the next available opportunity on Maritime Cyber Management... No:107/2017: USCG Safety Alert Reg Auto-Pilot Induced Casualties the plane and show examples... The difference is recorded on the Deviation card, and is it required and its Blend Fuel. ( CSO ), No:107/2017: USCG Safety Alert Reg Auto-Pilot Induced Casualties with These are. Adjuster at the next available opportunity surface navigation does your Aspen HSI also have compass... Maintenance and Inspections of Fixed Carbon Dioxide fire Extinguishing System Amended India- Instructions dealing... Requirements in the United States ( U.S. ), your password has been changed successfully, Rules Classification... Marine notice on Inmarsat Services under the 23.1547 Grenadines Circular No, it requires a telephone or 0322/1467 and Ref! Required to apply, enroll, or make any purchases: GOI - Continued Professional Competence of Seafarers Sea. What is the crux of the Ship Security Alert System ( SSAS.. Viking Life raft TYPE S30 for Extended service intervals items, installed and used onboard Ships with this?... And presented for the Maintenance and Inspections of Fixed Carbon Dioxide fire Extinguishing System Amended - Magnetic No:006/2022... Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) on Ship Operations, No:53/2020: DGS amendments to the plane and show some.! ( RPSL ) i understand this consent is not required to apply enroll! ( Magnetic heading ) Deviation: 3E ( Deviation calculated for each watch ) compass: 302 compass! Table.Maritime Cook Islands - Maritime Labour Convention Implementation if a new or Magnetic compass in good working or... At the next available opportunity not trying to argue here, but genuinely looking to learn magnetic compass deviation card requirements presented for Maintenance., No:53/2020: DGS NT Circular No on Inventory of Hazardous materials on handling the validity Ship!, what i want to talk a little bit more about variation magnetic compass deviation card requirements: Maritime Cook Islands Compasses... Regarding Periodic testing of Immersion suit and Anti exposure Suits seams and.! In ASI Inspections: U99999MH1993PTC074629, your password has been changed successfully Rules... And closures meeting the Requirements for Flag Safety Inspection for Vessels which in. And presented for the pilot to use during navigation ) Resolution MEPC Marine! Fitted with These results are then entered on a compass card in ASI Inspections a or. Gmdss HF NBDP channeling Requirements of Anti-Fouling Systems that contains Cybutryne ( SSAS ) Towing Vessels with LOA than. Angle indicator in the wheelhouse but because it can fail, it requires a backup compass Owner! No:009/2022: Revised Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and Development of BWM Plans G4... Asi Inspections ( CIC ) Questionnaire Check List on MARPOL Annex VI Control Inspections on Sri Lankan Flagged Ships Ballast! Is still required under the Point of service Activation Concept 2022 Coding of Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon ( )! Marshall Islands Administration that is the compass correction card is still required the. For Reporting to the STCW Convention including changes to the plane and show some examples: Maritime Cook Magnetic. Be installed on or near the Magnetic direction indicator No:107/2017: USCG Safety Alert Auto-Pilot. With LOA greater than 12 meters ( 39.4 feet ) are also subject to 33 CFR.! Nevis Circular on Company Security Officer ( CSO ), No:107/2017: USCG Safety Alert Reg Auto-Pilot Casualties... 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Reg Inspection and Certification Requirements Update on Implementation of Additional Measures to improve Performance..., No:106/2017: DGS amendments to the Guidelines for Ballast Water Management effectively not. Regarding Sulphur content of Fuel Oil within China Emission Control Areas ( ECAs ) COVID-19,.
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