You must notify your supervisor at least two weeks in advance of your last day. >> 9.2.3 NO MOOE funds and canteen funds should be utilized in the conduct of SLACs. I dont think its out of line to allow a 5 10 minute grace period, but that should NOT occur every single day. Application for Vacation Leave. Also, the DIR recommends, consider requiring employees to call in if theyre going to be late so that you will have some warning of an employees tardiness and be able to take steps to deal with it. 1.10 Heads of office shall be responsible for the attendance of their personnel. Please follow the directions in the vacancy carefully because you will not be considered eligible if you don't furnish all of the required information. A grace period is typically five, ten or fifteen minutes, and is put in place to prevent employees from either showing up too early to increase their hours for the pay period or consistently arriving late - both of which . Those who incur habitual absence is subject six (6) months and one (1) day to one (1) year suspension on the first offense and Dismissal on the second offense. If you're unsure which retirement system applies to you, contact EXRM. There is enough work in the unit at the next grade level for you to be promoted. At the moment the first note of the anthem is heard, everyone in the premises shall come to attention; moving vehicles shall stop. In most cases, you are automatically covered by Basic life insurance. 41, s. 2012 Revised Guidelines on the Opening of Classes). 1.2 Section 5, Rule XVII of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Title I, Subtitle A, Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987 states that: Officers and employees of all department and agencies except those covered by special laws SHALL RENDER NOT LESS THAN EIGHT HOURS (8 hrs.) endstream Can that person be not considered to such promotion since he passed the process and selection ? gen. rule po is 8am-5pm may grace period po na 8:00-8:30 am. If you arrive after the 15-minute grace period, even with a phone call, you may be placed on the wait list, simply to be fair to all guests. Employees shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual. There are two types of enrollments in each FEHB plan: self only, which provides benefits only to you; and self and family, providing benefits to you and all eligible family members. Under these rules, rounding hours worked is permitted as long as the employer uses consistent, fair, and neutrally applied policies. What is the possible sanction of the principal. 15, s. 1999, DECS Service Manual 2000, MECS Order No. +'9CUm&T6DA'%W%"gyiUzp>A=DHc0t/,psrq There is a 5 minute grace period for being late. I believe there is a conflict here as it is clearly stated that memo/disciplinary action will be given only on the 4th. 5.1 There shall be absolutely NO TEACHING by government officials and employees during office hours (6 hours actual teaching and additional 2 hours to complete the 8 hours required) even if the time spent is covered by corresponding vacation leave. On the 4th times, memo/disciplinary action will be issued and if lates accumulated 60mins within cut-off period another memo will be issued. 4.6.1 Consistent with Section 18 of RA 8491, all central, regional, schools division offices and public and private schools nationwide shall henceforth observe the Flag Lowering Ceremonies every Friday afternoon. /PatternType 1 Your age does not affect the cost of Basic insurance. Sec. This happens when the employee is tardy for at least ten (10) times in a month for two (2) months in a single semester; or 10 times in a month for two (2) consecutive months in a single year. /PaintType 1 Quarter Past the Hour (15) later than), your time will round to th Quarter past the hour (15): the Generally this is a quarter past an hour, otherwise known as fifteen minutes. A supervisor must approve in advance. zP2 jOk'ZZiD/5Cd|W^ai There is an equivalent increase such as a promotion. You may request compensatory time off in lieu of paid overtime. The Housing and Development Board (HDB) said in a media release on Monday (22 August) that this adjustment will take effect in all HDB and Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) car . 5.5 Officials and employees applying for permission to teach must be physically fit in order not to prejudice the performance of their duties, and for this purpose, they shall submit with their application a record of their physical and medical examination showing such fitness, duly certified by a government physician. If the tardiness continues, it becomes a written letter of reprimand, which is detrimental to the employees future promotions, raises, etc. >> If you transfer to another Federal agency your annual and sick leave are transferred. Basic life insurance coverage is effective on the first day you enter a pay and duty status unless you waive this coverage before the end of your first pay period. 143, s. 2016 Reiteration of the No Collection Policy from the Parents-Teachers Association and DepED Order No. But most employers do give a little grace.. If you need to postpone your hearing or schedule it after after 5 pm, here's what to do. The TSP is a payroll withholding based plan. 5.11 Relative to this, NO official or employee shall hold any school, college, or university any position or assignment involving management or administrative duties and responsibilities. no longer supports Internet Explorer. is an official website of the United States government. The findings revealed that school administrators apply a conglomeration of leadership styles. 4.4.3 The same procedure shall be observed when the flag is passing in review or in parade. On top of that, many payroll management systems use 15-minute intervals. 7.1 As a matter of office policy as well as DBM Circulars and COA Rules and Regulations, there is a need that all DepED personnel should seek an approved AUTHORITY TO TRAVEL from the Head of Agency (in particular the Schools Division Superintendent) whenever personnel get out from his authorized/official station. /XObject <> Toronto delivery driver calls for new parking rules after spending $500 on tickets last year . >> Recitation of Panunumpa ng Lingkod Bayan by all Department officials and employees only. /YStep 930 12.1.2 Schools where all arrangements have been set up including approved field trips prior to the moratorium may proceed provided that existing guidelines are strictly observed. No no no. Job assignments and duties are used to determine grade level, not "on the job" performance. If you are on a compressed work schedule you may not earn credit hours. 3 0 obj Example: an employee who worked 80 hours in a bi-weekly pay period would earn 3.688 hours of annual leave and 3.688 hours of sick leave that pay period. <> Even if she/he was hired as an administrative assistant only? Provide the grade level, promotion potential, location and the requirements of the job. 8.1 DepED Order No. (b) Superintendents and Principals to check attendance of teachers. These rules can feel confusing and subjective to the employer's discretion. if nag arrive po ba ang employee after 8:30, ex. 4.4.2 The assembly shall sing the Philippine National Anthem, accompanied by a band, if available, and at the first note, the flag shall be raised briskly. 1.3 Section 8, Rule XVIII of the Omnibus Implementing Title I, Subtitle A, Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987, as amended, provides that: 1.3.1 Habitual Absenteeism. The FWW law requires that an employer must receive the advance written consent of an employee to work additional hours. Pay close attention, save all your paperwork, learn where to go and get answers, and never assume anything is the same from day to day. 143, s. 1985 Violations of Civil Service Regulations on Strike and Absences stipulates that, persons who go on strike shall be replaced as soon as feasible to do so under Civil Service rules. Within-grade increases are based on performance ratings at the fully successful level or higher. The 15 minutes is split so it is 7 minutes before the quarter hour to 7 minutes after the quarter hour and all the punches are on 15 minute increments. These funds should be utilized specifically for the program it was allocated. 5.6 Pursuant to part E of DepED Order No. If they clock in at 7:08 they are docked for 8 minutes. If you wish to observe religious holidays that are not legal holidays you should make arrangements with your supervisor. A quick training session should clear this matter up. However, you cannot dock his pay if he begins working before the 15 or 30 minutes have passed. 10.1.4 NO teacher, school officials nor school personnel, shall collect fees or contributions, nor shall they be entrusted with the safekeeping and disbursement of collections made by the PTA. Currently, the TSP has five funds available: The Government Securities Investment Fund (G Fund), special Treasury issues with an average maturity date of about 14 years. Federal employees are protected from discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Officers and employees who are either habitual absent or have unsatisfactory or poor performance or have shown to be physically and mentally unfit to perform their duties maybe dropped the rolls. We have been challenged by an employee who claims that all employees get a grace period of seven minutes before they can be reprimanded and docked any pay when late for work. Your position description is a description of your duties and responsibilities. Is there a safe provision that will allow us to continue our job from another school within Iligan City? 6.1 DepED Order No. of hours) Php 114.00 = (Php 57.00 X 2 hours) Let say your hourly rate is Php 57.00 and you were late for 30 minutes. All persons present shall place their right palms over their chests, those with hats shall uncover, while those in military, scouting, security guard, and citizens military training uniforms shall give salute prescribed by their regulations, which salute shall be completed upon the last note of the anthem. There are three systems at CPSC: General Schedule (GS), Senior Executive Service (SES) and Executive Level. Career employees may appeal many disciplinary actions and personnel decisions they believe are adverse to them to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). 13.1 Official Attire. I would submit a defense statement and copy of your muni-meter receipt to the judge and wait for the good news. The deceased was the parent of a child born of the marriage (including one born posthumously, or out of wedlock if the parties later married). 1.9.1 Teachers who do not report to duty shall be marked absent. 2 0 obj stream There is a break in service for more then 52 weeks. A supervisor must approve it in advance. In certain cases, the state might permit you to deduct for lateness if the amount is equivalent to the time the employee was absent. Under FERS the surviving spouse of an employee who had at least 18 months of creditable civilian service may be eligible for a basic employee death benefit, as long as the spouse: Was married to the deceased for an aggregate of at least nine months (the nine-month requirement does not apply if the death was accidental). 47, s. 2017 Moratorium on DepED Educational Field Trips and Other Similar Activities). The employer should choose the midpoint of the rounding window and adopt a consistent practice of rounding down where the time recorded is below the midpoint and rounding up where the time is above it. If you have any accured sick time I'd apply it, even if you're only a minute over the 5 minute grace period. It is used to determine your grade level and pay. You can use your FEHB benefits as soon as your coverage is effective. 19, s. 2000). For example, if rent is $1,200 per month, your late fee would be $60. Shari Dunn is managing principal of CompAnalysis, a compensation and performance management consulting firm in Oakland. Hmm, my co. Issues disciplinary action to employees that are 1 minute late punching in, despite the fact that it can take as long as 10 minutes to punch in using the Web based time logging system. 'Q&-0^ypFr4xUYt_uK^5nJvihatiX*@6# FVt$Ycs;o6aC v&D>`WQd3 !G=o^$v5go;Q7E,B^*ut3yD@O8(!r`5bcDMG The employee upon regularization shall be entitled to 15 days leave credits per year. In the case of alternate classes where the probation period for the lower class is designated to be longer than six . 7.2 Authority to Travel maybe issued by other DepED officials ONLY upon the authorization from the Schools Division Superintendent. Below is my existing formula, my problem is that I need to consider this condition: if a time entry is within the 15 mins. 1.16 Memorandum No. However, just so you don't abuse us, we limit the total grace . What is a career ladder? Otherwise its just a matter of screwing one or the other out of money and time for no reason and it becomes every one-sided, usually against the employee, which will inevitably result in negative morale and a toxic environment. My feeling is they know what time we startand I fail to understand why they cant arrive on time. except in the following cases when a meal period of not less than twenty (20) minutes may be given by the employer provided that such shorter . Today's Hours to. (References: DepED Memorandum No. 47, s. 2017 otherwise known as Moratorium on DepED Educational Field Trips and Other Similar Activities provides the following provisions: 12.1.1 In line with the review of DepEDs policies on field trips, a moratorium on field trips is currently in effect. If you can't access it on the A to Z app, call ERC and have . If you leave CPSC, or any other Federal agency, your health care coverage continues for 31 days following the last day of the pay period you worked for CPSC. In a month late coming on any day subject to maximum three occasions upto 15 minutes is a normal practice allowed as a grace time. One credit hour is earned for each hour you work in excess of the 80-hour biweekly pay period. 9.1 School In-Service Trainings (INSET) as well as Gender and Development (GAD) trainings shall be allowed to be conducted by the office with the following conditions, to wit: 9.1.1 For INSETs, Training Proposal should be submitted with attached results of the Training Needs Assessment (TNA). You make your own contribution by payroll deductions and your agency matches those contributions according to the following schedule: The TSP holds biannual open seasons during which you can begin contributing or change the amount of your TSP contributions. They should however refrain from conduct prejudicial to the service which are subject to disciplinary action. 1.4 Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. Employees must be in a position for 90 days in order to receive a performance appraisal. LIKE THIS POST? Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Grace period this will be except from being tagged as tardy, but if a time entry is more than the 15min. All non-supervisory and non- managerial employees in Headquarters and some Field locations are part of these bargaining units. is this legal? 51. stream We are here to help - please use the search box below. The original is kept in an official personnel file in the Office of Human Resources Management. A simple (yet very real) example of this is when a government employee does personal shopping at mall during office hours. endobj Deductions may also be authorized for the Thrift Savings Plan, U.S. Savings Bonds, financial institutions (e.g. Certain deductions are automatically taken from payroll checks. . A few minutes never makes a difference in most workplaces, and in my personal experience, as well as many employees Ive personally consulted with, allowing an employee to be even 10 minutes late and not vilifying or even giving them a hard time about it, results in a happier, more productive and loyal workplace. These credits shall apply to vacation, sick leaves and emergency leaves. Updated Daily. Target date/period: 39. 16, s. 2010 promulgates the guidelines on Undertime which mentions that undertime is not classified as tardiness. stream The link you selected is for a destination outside of the Federal Government. /Group <> Employees can clock in through multiple forms of entry, including mobile devices, the web, work stations and physical time clocks. Any teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction shall not be required to render more than six hours of actual classroom teaching a day, which shall be so scheduled as to give him time for the preparation and correction of exercises and other work incidental to his normal teaching duties: Provided, however, that where the exigencies of the service so require, any teacher may be required to render more than six hours but not exceeding eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day upon payment of additional compensation at the same rate as his regular remuneration plus at least twenty-five per cent of his basic pay. The cost of Basic insurance is shared between you and the government. Thank you." 5.10 Permission to teach maybe withdrawn or revoked at any time whenever the exigencies of the service so requires, or if the herein conditions prescribed has been violated. International Journal of Social Learning (IJSL), Conference Proceedings (part of ERAZ conference collection), Windel Z A M O R A Cabando, Cristina G . Your bi-weekly pay statement is delivered to you in your office. The lunch period may be extended only under the authority of 5 U.S.C. Most federal employees, including part-time employees, are eligible to enroll. 9.1.3 DepED personnel tapped to be resource speakers and facilitators are NOT ENTITLED TO HONORARIUM as per DepED and COA rules. 5 0 obj The agency spending levels would not be adversely affected. The perceived level of morale of teachers was high with an overall mean ( )=4.36. 10, s. 1985, MECS Memorandum No. Consistent with the Department of Educations policies concerning teaching and non teaching related issues and concerns, TeacherPH reiterates adherence to and strict compliance with the provisions of these issuances. Teaching personnel may be allowed to have leave of absence using their accrued Service Credits. Normally, after completing one year you are eligible for promotion to the next grade. 202.464.3001. Timesheet "rounding" is the practice of adjusting employee time to the nearest set increment. When dealing with employee tardiness, employers should also be aware of their past practices and remain consistent. . In most cases, the monthly cost to you will be less than the cost of private sector health insurance. 13, s. 2016 entitled Implementing Guidelines on the Direct Release and Use of MOOE Allocation of Schools Including Funds Managed by School stipulates the following provisions, to wit: 11.1.1 Activities are only those identified in the approved SIP and determined in the AIP, 11.1.2 Expenses for school-based training and activities, 11.1.3 Expenses on special curricular programs (advocacy, capacity building, learning environment, learner development, research), 11.1.4 Expenses pertaining to graduation rites, moving up and recognition activities, 11.1.5 Procurement of school supplies and other consumables for teachers and learners deemed necessary, 11.1.6 Rental and minor repairs of tools and equipment deemed necessary for the conduct of teaching and learning activities, 11.1.7 Wages of full-time janitorial, transportation, and security services, 11.1.8 Utilities (electricity and water) and communication (telephone and internet) expenses, 11.1.9 Reproduction of teacher-made activity sheets or exercises that were downloaded from the Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS), 11.1.10 Procure small capital expenditure items worth Phl5,000.00 as provided in the new Government Accounting Manual (GAM), (Reference: DepED Memorandum No. The Small Capitalization Stock Index Investment (S Fund), which tracks the Wilshire 4500 stock index. However, Agency matching contributions and the agency automatic 1 percent of salary contribution dont start until the second open season after your appointment. How about the personal business of the school head entered in our MOOE,?eg.graduation rites ( diploma jacket picture taking and etc..what is the possible violation of our school head?thanks. 17, s. 2010 provides guidelines on Half Day Absence with conditions that any officer or employee who is absent in the morning is considered to be tardy and is subject to the provision on Habitual Tardiness and any officer or employee who is absent in the afternoon is considered to have incurred undertime, subject to the provision on Undertime. The revised Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA)a consolidation of rules pertaining to appointment, promotion, reassignment, separation, and other human resource actions in the civil servicetook effect on Sunday, August 26, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) reported.. The 15-minute grace period known and commonly practiced among government offices has NO BASIS in law or CSC regulation; and. Therefore, an employee who clocks in at 8:07 AM would see his wage statement reflect a clock-in time of 8:00 AM, whereas a clock-in time of 8:08 AM would be rounded to 8:15 AM. This benefit may be payable to a former spouse (in whole or in part) if a qualified court so orders. Loans are repaid through payroll allotments over the payment period specified in the loan agreement. Washington, DC 20001. However, being eligible for promotion does not guarantee you will be promoted. The law prohibits not only intentional discrimination, but also practices that have the effect of discriminating against individuals because of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or age. (Book V of Executive Order 292 and Omnibus Rules, CSC MC No., 40, s. 1998, CSC MC No. If you leave the CPSC or any other Federal agency you are also eligible for Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC). t YES NO Measures for Imp I.entatlon: Target date/period: 36. train ing value unionism , program on formation and deve101ment Is this already being in your Agency? 7, s. 2015 (Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Position) and DepED Order No. Core Hours: Designated times and days during the biweekly pay period when you must be present for work other than a lunch period or approved leave. Unlike the Federal Health Benefits Program, which has annual opportunities to join or change coverage levels, FEGLI open seasons are rare; elections of coverage generally must be made when first offered. Law or no law, if the employer has the 7-minute rule programmed into the time clock, and the time clock considers you on time, and you get paid thusly, then common sense dictates the employee should be considered on time by all, including the employer. The proposed regulations provided employers with a 15-minute grace period to obtain the written consent only when there was an unscheduled addition of time at the end of the . (Reference: DepED Order No. The policies in question were a rounding policy, which calculates time clock punches to the nearest 10th of an hour, and a grace-period policy, which permits employees to clock in 10 minutes . Linking to this external site does not constitute an endorsement of the site or the information it contains by CPSC or any of its employees. Are normally posted for no less than two weeks. As described in DepEd Memorandum No. Php 28.50 = (Php 57.00 / 60 mins X 30 mins) Strict Enforcement of Civil Service Rules on Attendance. If you are a part-time employee you are compensated only for the holidays that fall on a day you are scheduled to work (and only for the hours you are scheduled to work). Both of these solutions are permitted by the Civil Service Rules and are . Are You Meeting Your Teams Workspace Expectations? 3.2 Only non-teaching personnel shall be afforded sick leave of absence and vacation sick leave of absence. They state this over n over. /Matrix [0.5806 0 0 0.5806 0 540] 8:45, ilan po ang tardy nya since di na sya pasok sa grace period. In sum, time on the job is time on the job, and late is late. 2023 BLR, a division of Simplify Compliance LLC 5511 Virginia Way, Suite 150 Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 800-727-5257 All rights reserved. Employees must also be found suitable for employment in competitive service positions. Any official or employee shall be considered habitually tardy if he/ she incurs tardiness regardless of minutes per day, ten times a month for Two (2) consecutive months or Two (2) months in a semester during the year. Unlike many private sector health benefit plans, it provides coverage without physical examination, places no restrictions on age or physical condition, offers a wide range of plans to choose from and cannot be canceled. DRESS CODE FOR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES, Revised Guidelines on the Transfer of Teachers from One Station to Another, Hiring Guidelines for the Remaining Teaching Positions, Guidelines on the Establishment and Implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS), The Learning Action Cell as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-Based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning, Reiteration of the No Collection Policy from the Parents-Teachers Association, Revised Guidelines on the Opening of Classes, Implementing Guidelines on the Direct Release and Use of MOOE Allocation of Schools Including Funds Managed by School, Moratorium on DepED Educational Field Trips and Other Similar Activities, DepEd Legal Matters Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Oplan Balik Eskwela Frequently Asked Questions, Updating of Learners Profile in the LIS and School Information in the EBEIS for the Beginning of School Year (BOSY) 2017-2018, Privacy Policy of TeacherPH Mobile Applications, Terms and Conditions of TeacherPH Mobile Applications, Cookie Policy of TeacherPH Mobile Applications. ), which tracks the Wilshire 4500 Stock Index a to Z app, call and. Should make arrangements with your supervisor at least two weeks to Z app, call and... To observe religious holidays that are not ENTITLED to HONORARIUM as per DepED and COA rules applied. That are not legal holidays you should make arrangements with your supervisor at two. ( b ) Superintendents and Principals to check attendance of teachers was with! Specified in the conduct of SLACs 0 0.5806 0 0 0.5806 0 0 0.5806 0 ]... Undertime which mentions that Undertime is not classified as tardiness to duty shall be afforded leave. Of private sector health insurance, CSC MC No., 40, s. 2010 promulgates the Guidelines on 4th... Outside of the job '' performance of an employee to work additional hours all Department officials employees... You work in the office of Human Resources management 2 0 obj the agency spending would. Arrive on time of that, many payroll management systems csc rules on 15 minutes grace period 15-minute intervals by DepED. 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