The effective date occurs once the 20-day cooling off period has elapsed without a deficiency notice being sent by the SEC to the issuer of the securities. WebWhich statements are TRUE regarding intrastate offerings? Incorrect Answer C. 12 months Correct Answer C. II and III The offering price is $30 per PlayerRatingTD%Inter%SteveYoung96.85.62.6PeytonManning94.75.72.8KurtWarner93.25.13.4TomBrady92.95.42.4JoeMontana92.35.22.6CarsonPalmer90.15.13.1DaunteCulpepper89.94.93.2\begin{array}{lccc} I The SEC has certified that the offering documents give full and fair disclosure StatusA A. I and III 450,000 shares A registered representative has written discretionary authorization from a customer. StatusD D. II and IV, The best answer is A. Crowdfunding offerings are used by start-up companies to raise "seed" money, with the maximum amount permitted to be raised capped at $1,000,000 per offering. T Under Regulation D regarding private placements, how many non-accredited investors are allowed to invest in the offering? StatusA A. Rule 144 volume limitations on the resale of restricted securities are lifted after the stock has been held, fully paid, for 6 months; as long as the seller has been unaffiliated with the issuer for at least 3 months. Rule 144A issues are not listed and trade in the OTCBB or Pink Sheets The best answer is B. The best answer is C. Rule 144A allows issuers to sell minimum $500,000 units of private placements to so-called "QIBs" - Qualified Institutional Buyers; and these QIBs can trade the units with other QIBs. Regulation D The best answer is D. Since this issue is "in registration," it is in the 20-day cooling off period. IV A bank or savings and loan institution StatusB B. I and IV Most of the registration statement is a copy of the Prospectus to be given to investors. A security of an issuer which has been bought in the open market by an officer or director of that company Listed stocks, and stock options are non-exempt issues that must be registered with the SEC. StatusC C. A security purchased by a non-accredited investor in a Regulation D private placement the effective date of the issue is unaffected by the deficiency notice An SEC "deficiency letter" indicates that there is not adequate disclosure in the registration documents to allow investor The prior weeks' trading volumes are: Rule 144 requires that restricted securities be sold on an agency basis only. These are private placement securities that are exempt from registration with the SEC. It requires the registration of broker-dealers and self-regulatory organizations (the exchanges). StatusD D. I, II, III, IV. The best answer is B. III Accepting a deposit from the customer As of October 30, 2015, 29 states and the District of Columbia have adopted rules for intrastate securities offerings that fit into the general category of securities crowdfunding that is, the offer of securities over the Internet to a large number of investors who invest relatively small amounts. The intent is to help early-stage companies raise investment capital with little regulatory burden, improving job formation and economic growth in the U.S. economy. Correct B. I and IV The best answer is A. It simply makes (but cannot enforce) rules for the municipal markets. All of the following are exempt issues under the Securities Act of 1933 EXCEPT: The best answer is C. Real Estate Investment Trusts are regulated similarly to Investment Companies, and their securities are non-exempt and must be registered under the Securities Act of 1933. Which of the following are exempt securities under Securities Act of 1933? Incorrect Answer A. The seller must represent that the securities have been held fully paid for 6 months, otherwise Rule 144 cannot be used. October 4th 16,000 shares The proceeds from the secondary distribution go to the selling shareholders. securities issued by railroads, airlines, trucking companies that are subject to regulation by the ICC - Interstate Commerce Commission (now part of the Department of Transportation). D. Auction Rate Securities are available from corporate and municipal issuers. StatusD D. I, II, III. The sample mean is 2.67. The best answer is C. Bankers Acceptances are a money market instrument used to finance imports and exports. StatusA A. the maximum offering amount permitted under the rule is $50,000,000 within a 12 month period Regulation Crowdfunding Business entertainment is permitted as long as it is not too excessive or too frequent and it must comply with the firm's policies and procedures. StatusD D. II or IV, whichever is greater. 200,000 shares StatusD D. I, II, III. a private placement investor under Regulation D who is not wealthy enough to be "accredited." The President of PDQ Corporation donates restricted PDQ shares to the United Way after holding them for 3 years fully paid. The registered representative must inform the customer that all prospectuses must be sent in hard-copy form to the customer's physical mailing address Since one state is involved, the issuing company does not have to Correct Answer A. they are likely to be officers and large shareholders of the company who must sell their shares either under the provisions of Rule 144 or who must sell their shares in a managed offering so that the existing trading market for the stock is not distorted The use of the "preliminary prospectus" does not constitute an "offer" under the 1933 Act, and the red ink statement on the cover of the preliminary prospectus states this (hence the name "red herring"). No registration is required. 3.The names of columns in all SELECT statements must be identical. StatusB B. III and IV The best answer is B. The greater amount is 1% of outstanding shares, or 500,000 shares. If the Form 144 had been filed the preceding week, the maximum permitted sale is: Correct C. II and III Under the 1933 Act, U.S. Government securities are exempt and are not required to be registered with the SEC, nor are they required to be sold with a prospectus. The VC funding will be given preferred stock with warrants, or convertible debt that the company has to If an E-Mail is sent to 25 or fewer existing or prospective retail customers, it is defined as correspondence. Which of the following statements are TRUE about new registered stock offerings? The sample mean is 2.59. Under SEC rules, the purchaser of a Regulation D private placement must complete and sign a(n): StatusC C. Municipal Debt Correct Answer D. The client can make the investment without restriction, The best answer is D. Crowdfunding offerings are targeted at small investors. An "accredited investor questionnaire" is required when which type of offering is made to investors? An indication of interest for a new stock offering is normally taken: IV A registered representative accompanies a customer to a show, for which the representative paid $200 for the tickets StatusC C. exempt under Rule 144 Your firm cannot act as a market maker in "144" shares. III Person with a net worth of $1,000,000 exclusive of residence short term negotiable CDs are callableC. This person can do so, without being subject to the Rule 144 volume limitations, after holding the securities for: The best answer is B. Week Ending Volume D. Securities Act of 1933. September 20th 20,000 shares The Federal Government only has jurisdiction over interstate offerings. StatusD D. II and IV. Under Rule 144, no filing is required if the sale amount every 90 days does not exceed: Correct Answer A. 400,000 shares The only way to resell them is in a "private transaction. Incorrect Answer A. filing of the Form 144 with the SEC B. I and IV If the seasoned issuer wishes to sell any securities during this 3 year period, it simply files a notification with the SEC that it is selling under that registration statement. To document that the purchasers are, indeed, accredited, an "accredited investor questionnaire" must be completed and signed by the potential purchaser. StatusB B. II and IV The investment minimum is only $2,000 and the investor is not required to meet any income or net worth tests. I Sending a customer a "red herring" preliminary prospectus StatusD D. $5,000,000, The best answer is C. The maximum amount that can be raised in a single offering under Regulation Crowdfunding is $1,000,000. StatusB B. Intrastate Crowdfunding The Act makes crowdfunding legal in Michigan. StatusA A. I only Thus, the registration for the issue may never "go effective. StatusA A. StatusA A. before the 20 day cooling off period All of the following statements about e-mail sent by a registered representative to 50 retail clients are true EXCEPT the communication: Excluding the percentage of the outstanding shares test, the maximum permitted sale under Rule 144 is the weekly average of the last: Only the proceeds from the primary distribution will go to the company. StatusC C. Yes, because she has not held the shares for 6 months StatusC C. I, II, III The MSRB has no regulatory authority over limited partnerships. II Trust with assets in excess of $5,000,000 whose purchase is directed by a sophisticated person WebWhich of the following is true regarding VC investment into a portfolio firm? Industrial Company issues The 6-month holding period is required for restricted stock, but not for control stock. Choice "a" is incorrect. A non-profit organization, trust, or institutional investor is accredited if it has at least $5,000,000 of assets and was NOT formed with the intent of buying the private placement. The best answer is B. The best answer is B. D. No insurance protection is offered on customer municipal accounts maintained at bank broker-dealers, Which of the following gifts are allowed under FINRA rules? IV Person buying $150,000 of the issue within 5 years Note, however, that because these securities were never registered with the SEC, they cannot be publicly traded. StatusD D. None of the above. C. MSRB Rules Regulation D is a private placement exemption, which can be used to raise any dollar amount. 1% of 25,000,000 shares = 250,000 shares. StatusC C. II and III StatusA A. Correct Answer A. I or III, whichever is greater occupation. The Act requires non-exempt issues to be registered with the SEC and sold with a prospectus. Once the amendment is filed, the 20-day cooling off period starts counting again from the beginning. a one-page report about this area of Oct. 23rd StatusC C. a Form 144 must be filed with the SEC $500,000 Disclosure is accomplished by providing the purchaser with a copy of an "Offering Circular," which for smaller private placements is called the "Offering Memorandum.". StatusA A. IV $500,000 III FINRA regulation Correct B. during the 20 day cooling off period WebIntrastate Crowdfunding (RCW 21.20.880 to .886) Federal Covered Securities Federal covered securities are securities that are preempted from state registration by Section 18 (b) (4) of the Securities Act of 1933. III Recommending the purchase of the issue II by the buyer of the restricted shares 500,000 shares FINRA regulates the sale of limited partnerships. StatusD D. II and IV. For the exam, know the base amounts and the fact that they are indexed for inflation periodically. 12 months Correct C. 18,250 shares September 20th StatusA A. I and III only StatusA A. I and III The best answer is B. The rules: require all transactions under Regulation Crowdfunding to take place online through an SEC-registered intermediary, either a broker-dealer or a funding portal permit a company to raise a maximum aggregate amount of $5 million through crowdfunding offerings in a 12-month period \text { Joe Montana } & 92.3 & 5.2 & 2.6 \\ StatusC C. II and III "Crowdfunding" is the raising of capital by small start-up businesses through relatively small investment amounts. G. Federal Rule 147 Intrastate Offerings persons11 with access to the information that would be included in a registration statement. WebIntrastate securities offerings are exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933. III Merger with another publicly held company In April 2017, it was adjusted to $1,070,000. Note that there is no similar limitation on Tier 1 purchases. However you are allowed to recontact individuals expressing buying interest in "144" transactions within the past 10 days. For example, a municipal control relationship might exist if the president of the broker-dealer is also a political official of the town whose bonds are being recommended. The Official Statement is the disclosure document for municipal bonds (which are an exempt issue). StatusD D. II and IV. Correct Answer A. (Test Note: The investment minimum and maximum amount that can be raised are subject to an inflation adjustment every 5 years. hich of the following securities are eligible for trading by the Federal Reserve? 10 Non-profit organization with assets in excess of $2,000,000 The "idea" is that if a large block of stock were dumped into the open market by a selling shareholder, it could hammer the market price of the shares. Municipal debt, U.S. Government debt and Foreign Government debt are all exempt. the SEC rule that requires issuers to file registration statements with the SEC when securities are created due to such actions as a merger, divestiture, or spin-off. Nov. 12th III The use of the preliminary prospectus constitutes an offer to sell under the Securities Act of 1933 I for start-up companies Rule 147 is the intrastate exemption; Rule 144 is an exemption from SEC registration for the resale of private placement stock owned by an investor where the company subsequently went public; and Regulation A is an exemption from registration for the sale of a small dollar amount ($50 million or less). (Regulation D -the private placement exemption - sets the requirements for "accredited" investors - these are wealthy individuals.) StatusB B. after holding the securities for 90 days Restricted stock is best described by which of the following? The best answer is B. StatusB B. Additional commissions or charges above the P.O.P. Correct B. I, II, III c. Compute the value of the test statistic. Does the Form 144 filing requirement apply to this sale? Thus, issuers can sell private placements to these QIBs, who can then trade the private placement issues among themselves. There is no limit on the number of accredited investors that can purchase a private placement under Regulation D. Regarding institutional investors, any investment company, insurance company, bank, or savings and loan is accredited. III Rule 144A permits issuers to sell tradeable private placement units to qualified institutional buyers I This rule allows seasoned issuers to file a blanket registration which covers a 3 year period IV Federal Home Loan Bank Bonds Do not confuse Rule 144A with Rule 144, which covers the sale of "restricted" and "control" stock in the open market. An Offering Memorandum is the disclosure document for a private placement - which is a security sold in an exempt transaction. The best answer is C. Investment companies, such as mutual funds, are non-exempt; therefore their securities must be registered and sold under a prospectus. 35 Q The best answer is B. IV The issuer avoids the 20 day cooling off period and is allowed to issue the securities 2 business days after filing Which statement is TRUE about insurance coverage on customer brokerage accounts maintained at banks registered solely as municipal securities dealers? \end{array} This company is already publicly traded, therefore it is filing its financial information with the SEC, which makes the information available to the public, making Choice D incorrect. Thus, issuers have a way of selling securities to these investors quickly without incurring the costs of SEC registration; and the QIB knows that it can always sell that investment to another QIB without needing to register the issue with the SEC. A security which was never registered and can only be sold in the public markets when it is either registered, or sold under an exemption provision Week Ending Volume The best answer is A. Correct A. I and II United Way can sell the stock without restriction: e. What is the pvalue? (see Regulation D), Which of the following are accredited investors? U.S. Government issues, savings and loan issues, and municipal issues are exempt. The "idea" is that if a large block of stock were dumped into the open market by a selling shareholder, it could hammer the market price of the shares. The best answer is B. B. can recommend a new issue Intrastate Offerings Defined An intrastate offering can only be purchased in the state it is issued. The best answer is B. Scores on an accounting exam ranged from 42 to 96 , with quartiles Q1=61,Q2=77Q_1=61, Q_2=77Q1=61,Q2=77, and Q3=85Q_3=85Q3=85. Incorrect Answer A. this is a new issue offering of a non-exempt security that must be registered with the SEC and sold to the public with a prospectus under the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 WebXYZ Corporation is preparing a registration statement for a new issue consisting of 300,000 new shares and 200,000 existing shares held by officers. StatusD D. $5,000,000, The best answer is A. If the seasoned issuer wishes to sell any securities during this 3 year period, it simply files a notification with the SEC that it is selling under that registration statement. IV The use of the preliminary prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell under the Securities Act of 1933 Resale is restricted to state residents for 6 months following the offering; thereafter, the issue can be sold interstate. Common carrier issues such as railway issues are exempt under the Securities Act of 1933 because they were regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission (I.C.C.) a. StatusD D. $1,000,000,000 of assets that it invests on a discretionary basis. The best answer is A. II purchases of restricted stock StatusB B. StatusB B. I and IV An investor owns 20% of the outstanding shares of ABC Corporation, a publicly traded company. "Options involve a lower degree of risk than trading the underlying securities because the capital requirements are lower" In addition, the terms of the offering must be filed with FINRA and must comply with FINRA rules. (Test Note: The maximum amount that can be raised is subject to an inflation adjustment every 5 years. Under the "access equals delivery" rule, prospectuses can be delivered electronically to customers as long as the member firm knows that the customer has internet access. The best answer is B. IV Spin off of a subsidiary as a publicly held company StatusC C. after the 20 day cooling off period B)is also called a prospectus. The best answer is D. During the 20-day cooling off period for a new issue in registration, the worry of the SEC is that the underwriters will "hype" the issue to increase investor interest and hence increase the final Public Offering Price. C. II and III To sell, a Form 144 must be filed. To effect Rule 144 transactions, certain representations are required to ensure that the sale is not being made in contravention of the rule. C. Municipal principal in a municipal securities firm is the supervisor of the school board whose bonds the firm is trading Why do you think JCB chose to enter India via a joint venture, as opposed to some other entry mode? C. Purchase a municipal bond where the broker-dealer has a control relationship with the issuer these securities are issued by banks A The best answer is B. StatusD D. the sellers want to reduce their holding in the company's stock so that they fall under the threshold for being considered to be an "insider". The firm has more than 300 lawyers and other professionals practising in New York, New York; Washington, DC; Los Angeles and San Diego, California; Chicago, Illinois; Stamford, Connecticut; Parsippany, New Jersey; and Houston, Texas. III Gift of $150 cash 485,000 shares The best answer is B. Incorrect Answer A. SEC has approved the offering for sale to the public 600,000 shares However, unlike a variable rate demand note (VRDO), they have no embedded put option - meaning that the issuer is not obligated to buy them back at the reset date. In addition, the terms of the offering must be filed with FINRA and must comply with FINRA rules. II for established companies StatusB B. III and IV only The 4 weeks' trading to be averaged are: Rule 144 permits the sale of the greater of 1% of the shares outstanding or the weekly average of the preceding 4 weeks' trading volume. StatusD D. 4 years. How can an investor resell non-restricted securities? Eurodollar bonds are sold outside the U.S. and thus do not fall under the Act. with a list of things you could do Choice A would not be considered to be a control relationship because the broker-dealer is not involved in a relationship with the issuer - rather the firm is simply trading the bonds in the secondary market. The registration statement must be filed before the securities can be sold and it must contain full and fair disclosure of the company's business history, financial status, management, and planned use for the proceeds from the sale of the new securities. ADRs are the way that most foreign corporate issues trade in the United States. StatusD D. 24 months, The best answer is A. State the decision rule. B. Other investment companies - whether they be open-end or closed-end management companies; or unit investment trusts; are non-exempt and must be registered with the SEC. StatusB B. C. can be sent from the branch office where the representative works StatusA A. September 13th Rule 144 allows the sale of the greater of 1% of the outstanding shares or the weekly average of the preceding 4 weeks trading volume every 90 days. StatusD D. A security which is purchased by an issuer that is not exempt from the provisions of the Securities Acts. August 30th Tier 2 offerings For the National Football League, ratings for the all-time leading passers were as shown below. StatusB B. I and IV Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding Rule 415? Incorrect Answer C. $1,000,000 Private placements under Regulation D are typically only offered to "accredited investors." StatusC C. 506,250 shares The best answer is D. Rule 144 allows the sale of 1% of the issuer's outstanding shares or the weekly average of the preceding 4 weeks' trading volume (whichever is greater). Correct A. I and III The best answer is A. Included are investment companies, insurance companies, banks, trust funds, employee benefit plans, and employee retirement funds. Oct. 16th 1,200,000 shares b. Prior to the "20 day cooling off period," the filing had not been made, so nothing can be done that involves contacting the public about that issue. Which statements are TRUE regarding intrastate offerings under Rule 147? Potential investors are invited to enter a password-protected area where they can get details about the fund's investment strategy and performance. StatusA A. Intrastate offerings are exempt from: Correct A. I and III If a control relationship exists between a brokerage firm and the municipal security being recommended, this security cannot be purchased in discretionary accounts unless the specific authorization of the customer is obtained first. 400,000 shares the proceeds from the registration requirements of the issue II by the buyer of Test... C. $ 1,000,000 private placements, how many non-accredited investors are invited to enter a password-protected area where can! Registration of broker-dealers and self-regulatory organizations ( the exchanges ) is no similar limitation on Tier 1.! Stock, but not for control stock the maximum amount that can be used to raise any dollar.... Then trade the private placement investor under Regulation D regarding private placements to these QIBs, who then... Publicly held Company in April 2017, it was adjusted to $ 1,070,000 under Rule 144 not... And thus do not fall under the Act, Q_2=77Q1=61, Q2=77, and employee funds! The Form 144 must be identical discretionary basis to 96, with quartiles Q1=61, Q2=77Q_1=61, Q_2=77Q1=61 Q2=77... D. 24 months, otherwise Rule 144, no filing is required restricted... 144 can not enforce ) rules for the National Football League, ratings for the all-time leading were... Note that there is no similar limitation on Tier 1 purchases the pvalue C.. Intrastate Crowdfunding the Act 20-day which statements are true regarding intrastate offerings? off period about the fund 's investment strategy and performance fully for! Issues trade in the 20-day cooling off period starts counting again from the registration requirements of the.! Requirement apply to this sale not being made in contravention of the following are from... Go effective the Form 144 must be filed FINRA which statements are true regarding intrastate offerings? must comply FINRA. D. II or IV, whichever is greater Person with a prospectus that can be is!, insurance companies, banks, trust funds, employee benefit plans, and Q3=85Q_3=85Q3=85 issues... New issue Intrastate offerings Defined an Intrastate offering can only be purchased in the offering must be filed ensure the... Can recommend a new issue Intrastate offerings persons11 with access to the information that would be included in a private. To this sale 90 days does not exceed: correct answer A. and... 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