Hayley continued to work throughout, insisting on giving herself a sense of normality and asking Roy not to mention the word cancer in her presence. Initially put off when he found out Hayley was a pre-op trans-woman, he realised what a perfect match they were and accepted her as a woman. Hayley gave Becky her job back at the cafe and from then on there was more trust in their relationship. Hayley and Roy were something of an odd couple; they were not overtly romantic with each other, their bond being an emotional rather than physical one. Eager to give Wayne a sense of normality, they agreed to go on a camping trip with Martin Platt, Sally Webster and their children, but they were tracked down by Alex, who had heard about Hayley's sexuality from Les Battersby. The couple finally married on 30 August 2010 at a stately home in Cheshire, and almost everyone but the bride arrived by steam train. Norris Cole (Malcolm Hebden) notices that Roy is even more unhappy than usual, and asks if he is alright, but he claims to be fine. In Roy, Hayley had found someone who was similarly set apart from the world around him, and although Roy had trouble expressing his feelings, he greatly enjoyed Hayley's company. 50 Years of Coronation Street: The (very) Unofficial Story. (The Guardian, 17th January 1998) To widen the field of available talent, the decision was taken to have an actress play the part instead of a transgendered woman. Roy tries one last time to stop Hayley but she is adamant. However, this was borne out of a desire to share his interests with his wife rather than selfishness, and Roy was also capable of more romantic gestures, with the occasional prompting from friends. Worried about staff morale should the girls find out, Mike sacked Hayley, but without knowing the reason behind it, the girls demanded her reinstatement and threatened to strike. She subsequently writes him a cheque. Roy found the situation difficult to accept, but agreed to stand by Hayley provided she was honest from now on. In 2007, she assaulted Christian Gatley due to his violent reaction to Hayley's revelation about being his father, causing Christian to flee the area and lose touch with Hayley. Furious that the police weren't investigating Alex, Hayley refused to accept her bail condition and was remanded in custody. Hesmondhalgh is best known for playing Hayley Cropper in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street. They successfully applied and were taken on as foster parents. He decides to call her but she left her phone behind. At the hospital, the consultant explains that Hayley has an infection and needs to stay overnight. After the "wedding" was screened, the Labour Government announced that a Parliamentary Working Group was being created to assess how the UK could grant trans people the legal rights for which they had fought for decades. On hearing from her friend Tilly Eaves, with whom she had shared a tent in Mozambique, that their project leader Olaf was a womaniser, Hayley confessed to Roy that she had a crush on Olaf and he was part of the reason she wanted to return, but, coming to her senses, she opted to remain in Weatherfield and apologised to Roy for her heartless behaviour. Hayley Cropper was created in 1998. On their return, the Croppers discovered that Sylvia had departed the Street to live with her sister. In 2012, he failed to take an interest in Hayley's ballroom dancing due to being caught up in his chess games with Mary Taylor. But a lot of people have said because it's been so true to Roy and Hayley, they've found it moving. In 2009, David Neilson, Julie Hesmondhalgh and Katherine Kelly starred in direct-to-DVD spin-off Coronation Street: Romanian Holiday, shot on location in Romania. Becky Granger entered Hayley's life when Becky started working at Underworld in 2006. Most criticism came from the LGBT community, who slated the portrayal of Hayley as cliched and ill-informed. Stuart then confronted Roy and Hayley in the cafe and called them freaks. Hayley was thrilled to work in an environment where she could just be "one of the girls", but her colleagues took some time to warm to her due to her showing them up with her speed on the sewing machine. So I went away to this great bookshop in Manchester and said I need every book you've got on transgender. (Fifty Years of Coronation Street, Headline Publishing Group, 2010) At 27, Hesmondhalgh was four years younger than her character. In 2010, following a discussion of the ramifications of their not being legally married, Roy and Hayley decided to make it official. She trained as an actress in London before returning to Manchester. The Croppers were reconciled when Roy bought Hayley a salsa dress as a present. Roy and Fiz go too. She is taken care of by paramedics and she and Roy tell one another they love each other before watching the factory blow up, after Tony sets fire to the building, killing himself but Carla manages to untie herself and escapes. Hesmondhalgh: I think in the beginning the original idea may have been pitched as a sort of joke you know, give Roy a girlfriend and she turns out to be a man. The pair argue again about the way Hayley wants to die. On her last day, Hayley prepared a lethal cocktail, instructing Roy not to touch it, and ironed Roy's best shirt for the funeral. She was a fast machinist and got a job at Underworld, though when her secret came out and she faced bigotry in the workplace and elsewhere, she found it difficult to cope with. Hayley credited Carla for being the reason she was still alive, and the two became close, if unlikely, friends. She passed away with Roy at her side, but she left behind a husband who felt betrayed and abandoned, who was now without his soulmate. The following year, the Croppers joined the Weatherfield First Aiders. Julie Hesmondhalgh left Coronation Street temporarily in 2001 to give birth to her daughter, Martha Mo. Once she had her final operation in Amsterdam, Hayley wanted nothing more than to be one of the girls, but when faced with prejudice it was not anger but disappointment Hayley felt, the abuse serving as a reminder that she would never be able to lead a normal life. It was revealed that Hayley had applied for, and received, her new birth certificate, and so, after some disagreements about the cost and motives for marriage, the plans were made for the wedding. Although devoted to Hayley, Roy could sometimes be insensitive. In 1998, they took evening classes in Spanish, which led to hilarity when, on their way to their way to their inaugural lesson, they stumbled into a "life class" with a nude Nick Tilsley as the model. Hayley Patterson was a shy shop supervisor at Firman's Freezers. Roy cannot cope and initially rejects her but realises that their friendship is more important than Hayley's secret. Carla was absent from Weatherfield throughout these events, as she had fled to California when Tony admitted the truth to her months earlier. Hayley is thrilled but Christian demands Hayley give him money in return as he is in a lot of debt. Hayley knew that her past would always be a part of her; immediately on her arrival in the UK, she was stopped by Immigration as she still held a man's passport. In an interview with Hesmondhalgh in August 2015, it was revealed that in tribute to Wallace, the writers gave Hayley's middle name as Anne, and gave her the same birthday, as well as a mutual love for rock music, especially Queen. The dress is a success and Roy and Hayley attend Carla and Peter's wedding. Roy gets suspicious when Tracy goes on holiday for 3 weeks and realizing how easy it would be for Tracy to disappear with the cash and the baby, Roy insists she marry him (giving him parental responsibility of the baby) or the deal is off. You need a couple of people who just love each other and stay together through thick and thin.". Making her character pregnant when Julie fell pregnant in real life wasn't possible for the Corrie script team for obvious reasons - Hayley Cropper was born a man. With her troubled past, Becky's aggressive and thieving behaviour was a hard habit to break, but she was spurred on by her loyalty to the Croppers. Was Hayley cropper from corrie a man in real life? However, their first experience with a foster child wasn't an official one - on Christmas Day, they caught Wayne Hayes stealing food from the cafe, having run away from home. In April, they fostered Fiz Brown, a headstrong and somewhat rebellious young woman. Strange happenings begin occurring in the caf and Roy thinks Beth Tinker (Lisa George) and her family are responsible. Her friend and colleague Alma Baldwin ( Amanda Barrie) introduced her to Roy Cropper ( David Neilson) and they became friends until Hayley told him that she was transgender and used to be called Harold. In 2006, he ignored Hayley in favour of his friend Clifford Ford, who loved trains almost as much as Roy did. When catching up with Tilly, another volunteer, she learns Olaf is not the man she thought he was and decides to stay with Roy. Hayley thought the day ruined but to her great surprise, Roy hastily re-organised the day's events, moving the ceremony to the cafe. Roy and his late wife Hayley fostered Wayne back in 2001 in a bid to get him away from his abusive stepfather, but he was eventually returned home leaving the couple devastated. During Hayley and Roy's relationship, it often fell to Alma to talk sense into them during difficult moments, the most significant one being Roy's rejection of Hayley when she confessed her sexuality to him. The Croppers struck up an instant bond with Wayne, but although the quiet lad hadn't said why he ran away from home, as Alex left with Wayne, Roy saw him hit the boy through the cafe window. At work, Hayley had to live with Mike's constant ribbing. What is the real name of Hayley. The actor has played the legendary character on the ITV soap for a number of years and has become a big part of culture but he has appeared to hint that he has made his last appearance on the programme. Roy initially rejected her, but missed their friendship and three months later, followed her to Amsterdam where she was living on a houseboat, recuperating from her surgery. (The Daily Telegraph, 21st April 1998). Hayley is inspired by Jane's strength and confidence, despite dying from pancreatic cancer, but Roy tells Hayley that he found her highly inappropriate and inconsiderate. All the pain they had gone through was forgotten as Hayley and Roy began a new life with their daughter, whom they named Patience Cropper. Press for Change, the transgender campaign and information group, were particularly concerned with the direction of the storyline, but after the first two months a trans advisor connected to Press for Change, Annie Wallace, was regularly consulted for eighteen months by scriptwriters and the actor, and trans groups appeared happier with the stories and scripts that resulted from this liaison. Deciding not to return to the factory, Hayley continued with her volunteer work and helping Roy at the cafe. Carla is determined to visit Hayley and she is glad that Carla came. She admired their honesty and loyalty, seeing it as something to aspire to, and her desire to be worthy of their trust was a big motivator in her turning her life around. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Hayley was born as Harold Patterson in 1966. When Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson) and her half-sister Eva Price (Catherine Tyldesley), argue at the factory, Leanne pushes Eva into Hayley, so Carla throws Leanne out. During their last conversation, Hayley thanked Carla for giving her three extra years of life. Roy and Hayley Cropper were a much-loved couple on the Street (Picture: ITV) She may have been one of the most loved characters on the cobbles, but it turns out Coronation Street's Hayley. Proving their doubters wrong, they got married in 1999, and again in 2010, by which time changes in UK law meant that their union could be acknowledged legally as a result of the Gender Recognition Act 2004. However, she made an exception for Tracy Barlow, giving her a slap when Tracy made cracks about her sexuality during a heated argument. Hayley agreed to keep her secret and didn't even tell Roy. While Roy was in a vulnerable state due to his grief over betraying Hayley, Hayley acted out in other ways, initially accusing Tracy of making the whole thing up, and then, after persuading Roy to fight for their marriage and not move out as he proposed, adopting a more feminine image, which was not to either of their liking. They've got to be a bit more imaginative, so it's great - it works out good for us." Devastated but philosophical, Hayley begins to make a bucket list of everything that she wants to do before she dies, one of which is teaching Roy how to drive. Hayley was wary of Becky's attempts to befriend her but, sensing something in her, decided to cut her a break and gave her a job at the cafe. Roy couldn't believe that Hayley wanted to take herself away from him earlier than her illness dictated and refused to support her. Hayley is devastated and furious with Roy. Hayley then had the operation to remove her tumour, giving Roy her wedding ring to look after while she was in the operating theatre. The concept is simple: Turn on your shower, grab an orange, get in and start peeling and eating the fruit, enjoying all that citrusy . When she told her father this, he threw all photographs of "Harold" into the fire and refused to allow her to wear woman's clothes in his presence. Roy then assures Hayley that he is not angry, and she confides in Carla before going to the hospital, preparing for her operation. When the treatment failed, Hayley decided to end her life on her terms, which she did on 20th January 2014, passing away with Roy at her side. Later that year, they supported her when she had her miscarriages, and it was on Hayley's advice that the McDonalds turned to adoption. Stuart kept popping into the cafe to see Hayley and they developed an innocent flirtation, with the understanding that nothing would happen due to Hayley being married. One instance where this was a problem was when the Croppers were interviewed to assess their suitability as foster parents in December 2000. Faithful, loyal and kind, Hayley didn't mind putting herself out to help others in a jam. However, before they could do so, Ruth shopped them and they were taken into police custody, and Wayne was returned to his parents. Whatever happens next I'll always be proudest of lovely Mrs Cropper. Hayley was therefore sceptical when Becky tried to befriend her when Hayley was doing voluntary work with ex-offenders later in the year, but she decided to give Becky a chance, feeling that everyone could be rehabilitated. As the year came to a close, Hayley started her chemotherapy sessions and began planning her funeral. While teaching a literacy class, Hayley came into contact with Becky Granger, with whom she had previously worked at Underworld. Both were successful in their auditions. With Anna Windass's encouragement (after Roy let slip Hayley's plans), Roy lied and told Hayley that he had changed his mind. Christian was weirded out by her revelation and punched Hayley when she ran after him, leaving her bleeding on the ground. Looking for somewhere permanent to live, Hayley was delighted when Roy asked her to move in with him, dutifully offering to sleep on the sofa until they were married. Hayley broached the possibility of having a legally-recognised wedding instead, as they had always intended to do once the law changed, but Roy opposed the idea because of the expense and his discomfort at expressing his feelings publicly. The letters, authored by Hayley's old friend Cath, revealed to "Harold" the existence of his son. After one last moment together, she drinks the cocktail. When an unimpressed Curly told Hayley to stop being so wet, he reduced her to tears in front of another colleague, Alma Baldwin. ", Reaction to the character improved over time, with praise focusing on Hayley's relationship with Roy. When I got the scripts for those episodes I read them like a novel, all five episodes back to back I found it absolutely thrilling. (Fifty Years). After explaining the situation fully to the police, the Croppers were granted bail on the condition that they didn't have any contact with Wayne. On 11 January 2013, it was announced that Hesmondhalgh would leave Coronation Street at the end of her contract. Following this, in October 2007, Hayley leaves the Street to go on volunteer work in Mozambique for a year. In 2013, Hayley battled pancreatic cancer. For me it's a love story with a beginning, middle, and an end and this is the end.". One of the first things she did was to make a bucket list of everything she wanted to do before she died. 7 de janeiro de 2022; blue apatite properties Hayley and Roy were also interested in seeing the world. He had a very analytical, literal mind, and abhorred lying. In 2007, Hayley discovered that she had a son, Christian Gatley, fathered before her sex change, and admitted to Roy that she'd lied about being a virgin when they met. When she got her results, Hayley was informed by the new GP, Dr. Akhtar, that she had abnormal liver functions and was checked into hospital for an ultrasound scan, which revealed a blockage in her bile duct. The Croppers fled from the wedding with Patience, but faced immediate pressure from the Barlows to give Tracy back the baby. In particular, she never felt right in her body, especially after puberty which she described as "like sores breaking out". In 1999, the writers decided that Hayley and Roy would marry. In July 2003, Hayley went to visit her ill Aunty Monica. Her friend and colleague Alma Baldwin (Amanda Barrie) introduced her to Roy Cropper (David Neilson) and they became friends until Hayley told him that she was transgender and used to be called Harold. In some ways this was a disadvantage; her easygoing nature made her a poor stand-in factory manager after Paul Connor's death, with Carla having to take over to get things back on track. In 2004, she joined the Rovers Ravers, and ended up carrying the team as she was the only one with any experience at the sport. They have a wonderful time but their joy is cut short when they are told that Jane has been rushed to a hospice. The Croppers couldn't have children, but they fostered Fiz Brown in 2001, and took in several waifs and strays, most notably Becky Granger. Hayley did so, but was very troubled by deciding to get involved, and told the police about the fake letter when Angela was arrested for her husband's murder. By 1995 he was living by himself at the Crimea Street flats . Transgender campaigners were initially upset that a cisgender woman had been chosen for the part but later praised Hesmondhalgh's dedication and sensitivity. I think maybe Ann McManus came up with it. "I know. Initially seeming to take the news well, Hayley broke down in a panto queue and asked Roy to take her home, where she became hysterical and knocked the Christmas tree over, complaining that her life had meant nothing. While Tracy felt no guilt over her treatment of the Croppers, Ken and Deirdre forced her to pay back the money and make the Croppers godparents to Patience, whose name was changed to Amy Barlow. It wasn't until 2009 that Hayley took on a greater significance in her life; when Carla's husband Tony Gordon made a deathbed confession to arranging the murder of Liam Connor to Roy, only to recover, Roy became obsessed with exposing him. On 22 January 2014, Hesmondhalgh won "Best Serial Drama Performance" at the National Television Awards. Roy and Hayley take Fiz's daughter, Hope, and Tyrone Dobbs' (Alan Halsall) baby girl Ruby to the park, Christian arrives and asks Anna where Hayley is. When Hayley Cropper swallows poison on Coronation Street on Monday night, taking her own life to escape inoperable pancreatic cancer, with her beloved husband, Roy, in pieces at her bedside, it will be the end of a character who, thanks to Hesmondhalghs performance, has captivated and challenged British TV viewers for . Later in the year, Roy and Hayley visit Palm Springs, California to visit Sylvia and her companion Milton Fanshaw (Robert Vaughn). Following Hayley's confession to Roy that she was a transsexual on 27th February 1998, the Independent Television Commission received ten complaints that it wasn't suitable for a pre-watershed timeslot. Angela Harris was one of Hayley's colleagues from the factory. A baby girl was born on 9th February 2004, with Tracy stalling the Croppers for a few days before handing the baby over. In most aspects of their lives, they were a team, for example in their volunteer work and becoming first aiders. She briefly left him and went to stay with Alma, before deciding to forgive him. Upon awakening, Hayley looked at the clock and realised that not enough time had elapsed for the operation to have been successful, and it was confirmed by the consultant, Mr Peakman, that the tumour was inoperable as it encased a vital vein. This culminated in Tony nearly drowning Roy in the canal before turning himself over to the police and confessing to his crimes. On hearing that Hayley didn't have anyone else in her life, Alma and Mike Baldwin held a dinner party with Hayley, Curly, Audrey Roberts and Roy Cropper as guests, but the intention to matchmake Hayley and Curly was obvious and embarrassed the pair. However, having got wind of the relationship, Les Battersby told Stuart that Hayley used to be a man. The following day, Hayley collapses and Fiz calls an ambulance to take Hayley to hospital. The Croppers were one of the few people Becky said goodbye to when she left the Street a few weeks later, to start a new life in Barbados. Fiz and Becky agreed to be bridesmaids, and Mary found the perfect venue: the Shawbrooke Country House Hotel, which had a function room overlooking the East Lancs steam railway. Suitability as foster parents to go on volunteer work and becoming first Aiders Hayley refused to accept but. On 11 January 2013, it was announced that Hesmondhalgh would leave Coronation,! 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