We must set boundaries and let no man cross them. Like, if they arent happy anymore, why not tell us so we can move on? Hes doing it deliberately. He is a nice guy as a whole but its the fact he went out of his way for me a handful of times that gave me a little hope in this sudden realization of my feelings but recently he has completely shut me out. Its been almost 2 yrs with him and I hot him gifts ( handmade thoughtful gift and a tshirt) he hot me nothing for my bday. Know your worth and dont settle for a man who doesnt act like hes got you pinned down, get a man who treats you like he cant get enough of you. Its been hard but there are better things to come. I dont know what to do anymore. I would be the one driving to go see him, but I still over looked it and gave him benefit of doubt. he felt i shifted too much of my attention to work and the kids and not enough to him. My boyfriend had proposed me to marry him on 3rd month dating.. then he was stressed up with his business he didnt know how to handle .. i started helping him and give him directions.. he was getting through in a good way ,though at times i had to push him as he haf started giving up.. but then he broke up with me while am at my work place .. it was terrible..but i couldnt let my personal issues interfere with my work i locked the door of my office and kept on working with tears.. three months later he comes back .. but again he hasnt mentioned he needs a favour .. but he kinda mentioned about something that i was helping him out with telated to his business.. i offered him help yet lol.., and the matter is going well on his favour and he has pulled off again.. bi communication.. am glad i had asked him once if he just came around cause he wanted favour.. he said he still have strong feelings for me.. but deep inside i know he is just using. He makes money but spends his money on the wrong thing. After a few nights of him treating me bad, he noticed that I was about to leave him so stopped drinking when we would go out because he didnt want to be aggressive with me anymore. Weve been together for over a year but known each other for 8 and its a first serious relationship for both of us. I dont know what else to say about any of it, but I do know that Im getting more depressed by the day. Were in a fight right now because of that and what he says is for me to do things the way I used to but that way we will never be together. This makes me feel like he just needs me to help him with work. He doesnt tell me he loves me very often, never compliments me, doesnt text or call on the days we are apart and due to his lifestyle and commitments we see each other the same 3 evenings every week, and it has been the same 3 evenings for 3 years with the exception of one or two evening. Which I practically felt alone and excited to do things by myself. So, whether you've only just noticed your partner giving you the proverbial cold shoulder or have undergone the iciness for weeks/months/years, now is the time to take a closer look at your relationship to establish the reason for the discontent and determine if the partnership is worth mending. Girl what? Its hard to deal with a person who slowly neglects you emotionally. No dates, no presents, no initiating anything or trying to make me feel special. Im going to be a junior in a few months and hell be a freshman in college. I wish he understood how confused and unloved this makes me feel. Its not just a lack of attention. You didnt like THAT answer, did you? I just feel stupid and I kinda want to give up on him. But he appriciate my participation in some kind of sexul things. I read this article today because today he laughed at me when I put on a dress that wasnt low cut or revels my chest. Im just confused if he really want me he should have no excuses in having time with me. Ive asked him to work on this and as the article says, he says he will and he does..for about a half a day. We just hang out in my house. Weve been together a year and a half now. So anyways I snuck out again and yeahme and him hung outit was a special moment for me. because of this i have been resentful and he became more distant as a result of that. but he never ever ever takes any pictures of me to show me off. And boom..you would be able to leave him to be single and be open for someone whod treat you just the way you deserve. I just feel like that is so little reassurance for what would be 7 years together, that we would have the possibility to then just maybe live together. This is good advice thanks, Ive been dating my boyfriend for six months now and its been a really hard couple of months for us. But he never tells me how he feels when I ask. I feel it has been one sided in many ways and all he has given me is monetary odds and ends to compensate for the lack of emotional effort on his part. But I cant help but read it as a lack of interest, it makes me feel horrible on dates and sends me in a spiral of panic that he is bored of me. More than likely you will both have to work on this throughout your relationship and adjusting as the relaitonship adjusts and GROWS. You are worth it. I realize sooner or later if things dont get better (which it seems hes going out of the way to prevent from happening) Ill have to face the unimaginable possibilty of having really lost the man of my dreams and move on. Even after arising that issue betwn us, he didnt make any efforrs to regain my trust for him. I was in a similar situation when I was in college. Romantic. I had sent him links to little trinkets and gifts. Its selfish to me but maybe it really isnt. Please advice me on this. Please advice and apologize for the long narration. Often the dog doesnt get walked for a few hours in the morning because I have to get myself and the kids ready before I can take the dog out when really he could just get up and do it.He never wants to come on walks with us. When I asked him about it the other day, he just said hes not the type of person, but he clearly us because he has done these things before. I know it hurts so bad but you need to be strong and move forward, with or without him. However, I do know something that will help immensely. Not material things, but being romantic on special occasions. Thats the only way you will know how he truly feels. I take it very personally and feel disrespected by this, alone, that he has such little respect for my comfort or opinion of him he just doesnt bother but he will shower and shave and brush his hair even to go get a haircut. Someone needs to get off if it cant be discussed and decisions made together to improve what doesnt work for one or the other. Is it bad that I miss being just friends with him?. We had the break up talk several times a day, and at the end of it, it was one of the other begging to stay together because they believed we could fix it. Try to change. The last time I told him about him not making me a priority, he said felt he wasnt good enough for me. Ive had a talk with him a few times that I feel like his mom, Im always cleaning and cooking and have to tell him what needs to be done. I love drinking with him and having a laugh but he doesnt seem to feel the same. 2 years ago I started dating this guy and I knew then with him about a year and a 1/2 ago he made it clear that he still loves his ex wife but due to my health circumstances I had no choice but to move in I had nowhere else to go for me and my kids. When you let go, you find peace and freedom. Unlike me, hes understanding and loyal (my family loves him) but his situation is really difficult but im getting tired of being the only one that tries to make this work by always initiating stuff. Any thoughts ppl? Nor the stress of my mothers battle with stage 4 cancer. My ex-best friend snitched to my mom and told her everything about my bf and got some info from close friends about me meeting him secretly so my mom gradually started finding stuff out. We do get a long very well and we are highly mature people. He used to come over to my place so often no matter what day what time. Psychologically, the pressure was destroying me. I had a quarantine birthday and got a ton of messages and phone calls from everyone, but from him? Everything is fried up. But he say he is not in happy After this all, at some point he started to chnge himself. I dont quite think he is a narcissist, because he does have a heart and I have seen him show compassion; however he is very proud and self-absorbed. Im ready to forget everything he did to me and start to trust him.. Wht are the things i can do to bring back trust, spark, and energy to our relationship Please help me.. Thnk u so much. He stopped initiating sex and one day i found saved Google image searches under very specific terms saved on his phone and realized why i wasnt getting laid anymore. However I have had major trust issues since I was young and still find it hard to trust him in certain situations. Im so sorry this happened to you. Hes been consistent so far. This leaves us hanging on in hopes they will be that guy again. After my birthday on the 2nd I was 16 and he was 18 (not a big age difference and its not illegal where Im at) and so i wanted to meet him in person. i yearn for good morning texts or check ins throughout the day. what is the project you have to work on together . Weve been arguing a lot because I just feel unappreciated, I just want flowers & thoughtfulness like I do for him. I miss him and who he use to be,at the same time am preparing myself for the worst! This is the only problem in our relationship, the lack of effort. I would then open a honest discussion about how we both feel when I return. Were on the same boat! Somewhere around the last 2-3 months have been nothing but fights. I dont know what to do. Do I deserve this? Thats when we actually started to spend more than a few hours together and he really started to behave like he was in love. Dont ever think you are alone btw! He said its okay I dont judge you and Im sure no one does and if they do they can go fuck themselves! he likes to live in the moment as he says. I am often not successful but I realized in the last 1-2 years, it is him. You dont have to change your personality, but you may need to change your expectations. He said the reason we broke up was because of different love languages, arguing, and that he was not as emotionally available as I need him to be. Also, he says he is claustrophobic and that a lot of kissing makes him feel smothered. I always drive to his and he never makes an effort to go to me. Easier said than done, I know, but you wont regret it. I just dont feel like a priority any more. Most people reading this right now are probably thinking oh my god youre so young and u have so much time! He has made me realize a lot of my flaws and made me seek my inner self to understand why I am the way I am. I trusted his words for way too long. He begged and begged for me to forgive him, that it was mistake. I mentioned it many times, cant wait to get home and eat what youve made & have dinner with you! I am this woman. He tells me constantly how much he loves me.. Ignoring a man based on false projections often has drastic results. I recently said I needed a romantic date, and other things kept coming up. I feel like the future that I saw with him will not be possible anymore. His brother lives for free with his mother and he has nothing but contempt for him over it. I asked him why he didnt and I wasnt yelling I only needed just an explanation. I had stated in the beginning of the relationship I wanted marriage. I been communicating with him about his lack of effort , no improvement. I just requested patience. I understand law school is a rigorous program but for some reason he has been unhappy and stressed about everything that is going on in his life. Im slowly giving up but everytime i try to let go he acts like he rlly loves me and he wants me back. Im still not brave enough to leave him though he was my first long term and Ive had the best time of my life with him. He gets annoyed and sighs and does the What do you want from me now?? Idk if hes extremely busy or whats happening but he doesnt communicate at all with me. I have told him many times that he doesnt care about me, and he always says that he loves me. It doesnt matter what words youre saying, the message is clear: I will tolerate this, as long as you let me explain repeatedly why I dont agree with it. The most important lesson Ive learned from my love life is this: My role is to set boundaries. He works a lot sometimes so I understand he is tired, but he always wants me to come over his house. Can anyone help me and give me some advice? He Wants You To Approach Him First. But since last year, he stopped doing that. Today I found out that hes planning a trip to Rhode Island to hang out with his cohort in May and has even already booked the hotel yet hes not said a word to me. I feel like my house is just a hotel and he pays his family for meals but doesnt give me a dime. Or stay here and break up. Im a very physical touch/ Quality time person. They never turned up. I thought that would be an isolated incident but it happened again this weekend. Im confused by this guy I had been seeing before coronavirus lockdown. Oh, also he keeps poking my stomach and at first it was funny and cute but now its genuinely annoying and Im trying to tell him to stop but he doesnt take me seriously and just kind of turns it into a joke. Reading thru the comments solidifies my opinion that any woman who actually feels, attempts to comprehend said feelings, does her due diligence to ensure consideration for any other human being that may be identified as part of her analysis, and is able to attempt to reconcile the differences that led her to see things she could have done better is going to accept that her analysis as follows: She will always be in confused state of mind until she accepts that he doesnt have to put in effort to do or say anything for her to feel he loves her because like all children do, the man-child she wants so badly messed up, smashed thru her boundaries he forgot the moment he sw her lips stop movinb, blamed her for being so stupid n try to set boundaries HAHA,and eventually his man-child tantrum scores him the win! I HAVE COMPLAINED ABOUT IT IN THE PAST, AND HE JUST SAYS THIS IS WHAT IT IS. I didnt even realise I was expecting the bare minimum until it hit me while I was laying in bed after he hadnt messaged me all day because he was busy playing his game. Required fields are marked *. I think women pick up on subtleties and there is something up. Im feeling pained and upset with myself the concessions Ive made and feeling as though theres no room for compromise. What you talk about really does depend on the issues youre facing, how long youve been together, and why your boyfriend isnt making an effort in your relationship. Although I told him busy isnt excuse but he never changed his reasons, every time when I want wend the relationship, he replies straight away and tell me he dream about me, desire me etc. If I were you Id take a break and keep your heart open for a new partner who is more compatible with you and whos needs match with yours, at least whos match a bit more than he does. For a while there I was wondering if he was a narcissist, player or just using me. His family are complicated, we rushed into our relationship, live together almost 5 years. Hes sees things in one paranoid way only, that Im selfish and dont really love him and just like the things he can give me. My boyfriend and I have been together almost a year. Its okay to build from scratch instead of being in an emotionally abusive relationship and constantly being destroyed in to nothing. When I started dating him I was very strong in my religion. He also uses really unfair arguments when fighting, like things I never mentioned or meant. I asked about the plan we made and he didnt answer he started to be mean to me and not talk and then he hung up on me after saying he wasnt gonna go to hoco with me or prom and that he didnt love me. Next thing I woke up to a text. Im lucky if I get a phone call from him. He does not even get up in the morning and brush his teeth, put on deodorant ,etc. Hi girl, Im in the same situation right now. Also, find some time to do something that you enjoy. You should definitely read the book why men love b*tches this really goes into depth on why men do that. Another thing that bothers me is he will ask me about my day or some other question, then when I answer, he switches the subject back to himself. He wont text me all day till I text him. Hello everyone, Ive been with my boyfriend for two years, hes a good man, kind and gentle and always takes care of me. He also gave his daughter my phone number so she could text me as she wasnt feeling well. Is it too much to expect from a boyfriend to ask out his girlfriend one a month? On the other hand, maybe your boyfriends lack of effort means that he only calls you once a month or texts you once every two months. I dont want a father figure, i want a man that i love to show love to me. We were friends for about 2 years before I gave him a shot and when we were still just friends he would try to spend as much time with me as possible and hangout all the time. Btw he put his board in a form of a heart on his wall for me . im still inlove with him up to now but i feel so tired understanding him and ive been unhappy throughtout the relationship. He said he wanted to have a deeper talk about expectations and his four years old son before we can be official. Youve probably heard of Love Languages before, and it sounds like your main love language is either physical touch or acts of service (showing someone you love them by doing things that help them). Oct 1, 2017 I was at the Rought 91 shooting in Vegas, Febr 2018 my husband at the time decided to go back to being a Jehovahs witness and puts a ton of stress on our 17 years of marriage, March 2018 get fired from new job of 2 months, July 2018 he cheats on me and divorces me. 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