Matthews tale can give us hope that, no matter how we begin, we will be able to complete our journey with Jesus successfully.When Jesus climbed into the boat, the wind died down.But first, at the direction of Jesus, Peter walked on the water, confirming his authority as the Word of the Living God.This was demonstrated once more when Jesus calmed the storm with nothing more than his word. By this time, it was dark, and Jesus had not yet arrived to join them.There was a strong wind blowing, and the water became choppy.At about three or three and a half miles into their row, they noticed Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water, and they were frightened. Following their successful feeding of a large number of people, Jesus and His 12 disciples walked up a mountain for some one-on-one devotional time with the Father. [7], In all three accounts, after Jesus got into the ship, the wind ceased and they reached the shore. What Does it Mean That Jesus Was Gods Begotten Son? / When all around my soul gives way, / He then is all my hope and stay. . 16:4). Philippians 2: Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. That verse doesnt predict Gods vengeance against beachfront property; rather, its His promise that everything the sea symbolizes in Scripturesin, death, and judgmentwill be done away with when Christ makes all things new (Rev. The episode occurs shortly after another miracle, the feeding of the 5,000. 23 And after he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain apart to pray: and when even was come, he was there alone. After all, they knew the Roman authorities had put Jesus to death, and that His body had been taken down from the cross and sealed in a tomb. There is no need to invoke Intelligent Design over and above the creative power of God through his natural process; although ID cannot be ruled out, the gaps, where an adequate natural explanation does not also exist, are shrinking. He chides them for not believing what the prophets foretold regarding the Messiah then explains to them all the Biblical verses that pertained to him. / In every high and stormy gale / My anchor holds within the veil. It is common in parts of our. Soon doubt started forming in his mind. 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 7 Ways Anxiety Dominates the Christian Mind, 7 Tests to See if Your Worship Is Truly Christian or Pagan. Answer to the question Immediately following His miraculous feeding of the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish (as recorded in three of the Gospels; Matthew 14:2236; Mark 6:4556; John 6:1621), Jesus performed the miracle of walking on water (Matthew 14:17).Jesus disciples were convinced that He was the Son of God by the miracle of His walking on the water (Matthew 14:3233), but it was the miracle of Jesus walking on the water that convinced them the most.The action of the story takes place at the Sea of Galilee, which is located in the lower portion of the Jordan Valley, in a mountain range that rises to 4,000 feet above sea level and is home to the apostle Jesus. Jesus walking on the water, or on the sea, is depicted as one of the miracles of Jesus recounted in the New Testament. It was such a remarkable difference that the disciples exclaimed Truly you are the Son of God. The only fitting response to what they had just witnessed was to acknowledge and glorify Jesus as the incarnate I AM. When that happens, theres nothing to do except praise God for yet another gift of mercy and grace. 4-5). Merrill Tenney states that the incident is in essence centered on that aspect, rather than their peril or the miracle itself. In particular, the narrative part of the story seems to fall into the apocalyptic genre, meaning by this term a genre characterized by an accentuated symbolism and light-shadow contrasts. In Isaiah 57:20, the sea is said to represent evil because its continual waves stir up filth and dirt (see also Ps. As Paul writes in Romans 1:4, Jesus "was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead.". Meaning of Jesus Walking on Water. 19:13). A: In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus met the two women as they walked, but only met the disciples at a mountain in Galilee and from there sent them forth to teach all nations. But what about the major exodus event of the crossing of the Red Sea? events with deep symbolic resonance. Had they been waiting by faith, they would have known Him instantly. Peter showed the boldness of his faith as he followed Jesus out of the boat. It was suggested that there is a negative correlation between taking the position that theistic evolution is the best description of Gods method of creation method and a willingness to believe in the miracles related in scripture, in the Old Testament, and more importantly in the New Testament. It seems to me that any speculation about a miracle, sign, or wonder without an audience is rather pointless. This is the Apostolic witness, the testimony to Jesus as Lord: John 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This preview shows page 17 - 19 out of 39 pages. The amazing thing is that in faith Peter started walking on the water toward Jesus. The waves saw you, God, and they writhed in convulsions; the very depths were convulsed by your presence.Your arrows flew back and forth across the sky as the clouds poured down rain and thunder from the skies.Despite the wind, your thunder could be heard, and your lightning illuminated the whole planet, causing earthquakes and earthquake-like vibrations.19 Your journey took you across the sea, your way through the vast seas, though no one could see your tracks.Because he exposes himself to be God incarnate, Jesus arrives on the waves, walking on water.To be sure, the tale finishes with the disciples declaring that Jesus is really the Son of God. The miraculous feat of Jesus walking on the water, written in three of the Gospels, came right after His wondrous feeding of the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish ( Matthew 14:17 ). The boat was only about 100 meters from shore. 33:45). Before the disciples got on the boat, Jesus provided bread and fish for 5,000 plus people in the middle of a desert. All of this has no bearing on my view of the mechanism of creation. They left while He was still present in order to travel across the lake to the opposite side of the lake on their own own. Stand firm and see the Lords salvation that he will accomplish for you today (Ex. Daniel also tells us that the chaos of the sea is the origin of the enemies of God (Dan. Despite its name, the lake is 700 feet below sea level in the Mediterranean Sea.One of the most notable characteristics of this body of water is that it is extremely vulnerable to storms that can come on suddenly and be extremely violent.This type of storm is triggered by the collision of cold air rushing down from the mountains surrounding it with warm, moist air rising from the surface of the water itself.After sunset, his disciples went down to the lake, where they boarded a boat and began their journey to Capernaum. The story is recounted in Matthew 14 and illustrated in this Gustave Dore print. And Peter went down from the boat, and walked upon the waters to come to Jesus. There is, however, another incident that occurred in the sea that people confuse with the miracle of walking on water. For Christians, this story presents lessons for life that go beyond what meets the eye: By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. 11:79). However, Jesus only draws closer and closer until, at long last, He calms them down and leaves them alone. 14:13).2 The implication is clear: we have nothing to fear so long as God is with us, and He is with us in Christ Jesus our Lord. After rowing against the wind for most of the night, the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water. All rights reserved. Jesus walked on water in order to call us as His own. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. [24] Rudolf Bultmann pointed out that the sea-walking theme is familiar in many cultures. & The Ministry and Life of Christ. After this, Israel wandered in the wilderness, and Moses asked God where he could find food for so many people (Num. Bergquam noted he did not find any evidence of chemicals in the water, but anecdotally, what he did discover is jarring. To show His disciples that the very thing they feared, the raging, seething sea, was merely a set of steps for Him to come to them. In Mark and John, however, the reference to the apostle Peter walking on water is not included. I like your writings here on the Bible; theyre the best thing on They cried out, because they all saw Him and were terrified (Mark 6:4850).And this brings us to the second significant point of this miracle.Jesus always comes to us in the storms of life.This is reminiscent of the words of God to Isaiah: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you (Isaiah 43:2). After witnessing this miracle, the disciples worshiped Jesus, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God.". [1], Matthew's account adds that Peter asked Jesus, "if it is you", to tell him, or command him, to come to Jesus on the water (waters). By walking on water in the middle of a furious storm, Jesus demonstrates His power and compassion for His people. So we ask again the question: Well, I am a scientist, someone who certainly takes an evolutionary view of creation, who is skeptical of intelligent design, and yet claims to be an orthodox evangelical Christian let me take a stab at this. An further allusion to the chapter from Job. The Lord is still there for believers when they call out to him. Hades or Sheol was seen as the place of the dead with three areas or compartments: (1) the abyss or tartarus, the place of confinement for those demons who sinned in the days of Noah; (2) torments, the place of suffering for . 21 They were willing therefore to receive him into the boat: and straightway the boat was at the land whither they were going. Jesus' favorite disciple told Peter, "It's the Lord!" When Simon heard it was the Lord, he put on the clothes he had taken off while he was working. Then Jesus multiplies bread, as if from thin air, to feed the multitudes with as much as they wanted (John 6:11), just as God had provided bread from heaven to feed His people with as much as any man could eat (Ex. [12][13] R.T. France has also pointed out that the details regarding the boat being a long way from the shore, and the portrayal of Peter sinking are intended as a confirmation of the depth of the water. 4:17).3. They grumbled against the Lord (John 6:41, 61), just as Israel had (Num. According to Matthew chapter 27 verse 27, Jesus instructed them, Take a deep breath and go for it!It is, in fact, I.Dont be intimidated. (NIV) Peter said, Lord, if its you, tell me to come to you on the sea, and Jesus encouraged Peter to do just that, which Peter gladly accepted.While walking on the sea, Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and saw only the wind and waves, which caused him to begin to sink. During the Exodus, the Lord states that he is the only God and that there is no rescuer besida.In Matthew, Peter will call out for the one walking on the water to swerve away from him.Please forgive him.Isaiah 43:10 The Lord reveals in verse 11: You are my witnesses, and my servant whom I have selected, so that you may know and trust me, and comprehend that I am he (). (There was no god before me, and there will be no god after me.) The disciples were startled to see Jesus, but he told them not to be afraid. Author, coach, and speaker Danielle Bernock is an international award-winning author, coach, and speaker who specializes in assisting individuals in embracing their worth and healing their hearts through the power of Gods love.A Bird Named Payn, A Bird Named Payn, Loves Manifesto, and Because You Matter are among the books she has authored, and she also hosts the Victorious Souls Podcast.Danielle has been a committed disciple of Christ for many years. Many readers will disagree with me on some of this but not, I hope, because belief in the signs and wonders of Jesus and in his resurrection is in some way contingent on specific understandings of the mechanism of creation. The narrative serves as a reminder to Christians that when the Lord appears to them in the midst of their own personal troubles, they may not recognize him. Biologos. Miracle by Jesus according to the New Testament, Jack Dean Kingsbury, Mark Allan Powell, David R. Bauer, 1999, Comparison in other versions at BibleGateway, The Life and Ministry of Jesus: The Gospels, Who do you say that I am? Walking on the water The earliest description we have of this event is found in Mark's Gospel. ! Because he was concentrating on Jesus.His gaze was fixed on the majesty of Christ, rather than on the crashing seas.Jesus had just completed a 3.5-mile journey on water (see John 6:19), and Im presuming He is a power walker based on how quickly He got out there.Maybe he simply kind of drifted through the air. But I want to ask you a tough question. To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God: Acts 1:3. Despite his hectic schedule, Jesus made spending time with God a primary priority in his daily life. After teaching a large crowd of people who had gathered around him, Jesus sent the disciples off by boat to return to Bethsaida while he went up on the mountain to pray (Mk 6:34-46). This is where the waves whipped up around the disciples' boat and frightened them into waking Jesus during the storm. 13:1). The allusion to the apostle Peter walking on water is not present in the gospels of Mark and John, on the other hand. He was Messiah. [24], Others look for an origin in the mythic world of the Old Testament itself (Christ's victory over the waters paralleling Yahweh's defeat of the primeval Sea, representing Chaos),[25] or within the New Testament, as an originally simple story later embellished with Hellenistic and Old Testament details. In the book of Psalms, the sea is frequently used to symbolize tremendous uncertainty and insurmountable difficulty (e.g., Pss. 11:22), who believes that God would not be able to give enough food, just as Philip informs Jesus that two hundred denarii of bread would not be enough (John 6:7).Its also worth noting that Moses reservations about Gods capacity to give meat followed the miraculous gift of manna (Numbers 11:79).Despite this, Philips reservations regarding Jesus capacity to feed five thousand people arise following Christs miraculous provision of wine for a wedding feast (John 2:111) in the Gospel of John. These texts give insight on the significance of Johns vision that the sea was no more in Gods new creation, which he saw in the book of Revelation (Rev. [12] David Cook and Craig Evans note that "of little faith" is a somewhat common expression in Matthew (e.g. Hence, they attempt to make Him king (John 6:15; see Deut. 9 Although I can see him as he passes me, I am unable to recognize him when he passes me. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. What did Jesus mean when He said, Peace, be still. The seas were raging, and the rowing of the disciples was doing little to assist!So, what does Jesus do in this situation?The Water-Walker simply strolls out toward them, straight into the midst of a thunderstorm!Its not a huge deal. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee upon the waters. The Bible says in Matthew 14:29-31 that Jesus said, Yes, come.. The majority are faith healings, exorcisms, resurrections, and control over nature.. The miracles are reported as taking place years apart from each other, but in both miracles apostles are fishing unsuccessfully in the Sea of Galilee when Jesus tells them to try one more cast of the net, at which they are rewarded with a great catch (or "draught", as in "haul" or "weight"). [5] After Peter came down out of the ship and walked on the water, he became afraid of the storm and began to sink. (Moses could only draw water from the rock, while Jesus could draw wine from the rock, the stone jars; see Ex. 977 views, 27 likes, 24 loves, 0 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Baguio Cathedral of Our Lady of the Atonement: 4:00 PM - LIVE NOW. 6:15 Jesus therefore perceiving that they were about to come and take him by force, to make him king, withdrew again into the mountain himself alone. 25 And in the fourth watch of the night he came unto them, walking upon the sea. Covering topics including Miracles, Peace, Strength, All of this suggests that John is trying to get the reader to understand the crossing of the Sea of Galilee as a symbolic fulfillment of Moses and the Israelites journey through Egypt and into Israel during the Exodus/Passover story. He wasnt being pulled on skis by a boat. means to remain steady or resolute in the face of danger or difficult circumstances in English.In addition, he says, Do not be frightened, which is frequently connected with a heavenly aspect (Dan 10:12, 19, for example).Jesus declares himself by saying, It is I (It is I).This is typically connected with the name of God in the Old Testament.For example, the name of God in Exodus 3:14 is written as in the Septuagint.It is in the context of the Lord walking on the seas in the uagint that Isaiah 43:10-11 is found. Let me preface it. 17:17; John 2:112). But as we call out to Jesus as Lord and Savior, He is quick to reach out His hand. It also reveals the heart of Christ to me! O'Connor's dazzling first novel tells the hilarious and disturbing tale of Hazel Motes, a young Georgia man whose obsession with God leads him to run from God as fast as he can, only to crash head-on into the wall of Jesus and religion. 47 And when even was come, the boat was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. Likewise, Micah tells us that the sea is the place where God sends sin to be judged, forgiven, and forgotten forever (Mic. Yet, whereas Moses returned from the mountain with the law, Jesus returns with nothing but Himself. There is a parallel in Johns gospel as well. This sovereign King goes from whipping the wind into shape, to being crucified on a cross in order to bring about the redemption of His people. (NIV). Weathering the storm with Jesus: As soon as Jesus entered into the boat, the storm subsided completely. For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. In his resurrection, Jesus was "vindicated by the Spirit" ( 1 Timothy 3:16 ). He walked on top of the water in the middle of a raging storm. Thus the reasons for the lack of recognition. Matthew 14 says: Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. Although I have often interacted here with posts on other blogs, I have not generally paid a great deal of attention to the comments on those other blogs. These three instances reveal Jesus care for His people by supplying their every need. Lord, save me! he cried out in desperation. Yes, he walked on water, stilled the wind, healed and restored. of squirmy when such episodes are brought up. Without looking, she had walked directly off the dock and into the water. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authoritiesall things have been created through Him and for Him. To put it differently, if we can trust Jesus to resolve our deepest problems, as He does through the cross and the resurrection, then how much more can we trust Him to handle the smaller trials of life? And here in John 6:1621, Jesus is depicted as standing above the sea as the One who has power over everything. John alone specifies they were headed "toward Capernaum". This indicates that the narrative of Jesus walking on water has been recorded by three different eyewitnesses, which lends credibility to the storys truthfulness.This is crucial since walking on water is considered a miracle by many people.Why did Jesus choose to walk on water?What exactly does it mean? and played it back today, what would we SEE? 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