And the verdict is in. This is the child for me. THANK YOU FOR TAKING TIME TO LOOK AT THIS, Im sorry youve had to go to all this trouble, but I dont think this is my story, at least its not in Whats So Amazing About Grace. Blessings to you always. Philip. I need God to speak and I shall praise God regardless but I am so depressed and anxious because I feel like God is so so distant. ), but then there are equally strange things in the Protestant tradition! He asked me who had told me all the lies about me not being wanted and capable in my position. I am ashamed about not having written to thank you decades ago. The last couple of months I do struggle with the problem of evil. No misunderstanding Thank you so much for your writing and for your soul exposing honesty. By all means introduce yourself at Westmont! Your books have always been challenging my traditional beliefs in Christianity, and I thank God they do. i was introduced to your work by my lecture at Bible School in South Africa. That said, I felt like you sold yourself short in some ways as you described this transient nature of art. There is a supernatural God, but he put himself back in with the ancient Mid Eastern gods of darkness if you believe in Genesis. I spent a year trying to get a prison chaplain position in the Eden Detention Centre in Texas. I have seen the worst of church and political hypocrisy and the way so many of us hate those who are different. When this therapy failed, I was blamed, shamed and rejected by the groups that applied it to me. I listened to her stories, and at one point she asked me if I would like to see a photo of her husband. My own church and employers slandered and blacklisted me across Canada, the US and Great Britain. While reading Whats So Amazing About Grace? God impressed on me to teach and write about forgiveness. Yet that hope, that what Im working on today will connect with someone like you out there somedaythats the hope that keeps me going. Theres the evidence that demands a verdict. With all the new discoveries about the human body since the first book was published in 1980, I am certain the research portion of that was challenging, as well as rewarding for you. Then hung himself for nine days. You say that Jesus came full of grace and truth, and that, Weve done pretty well with the truth part. Foreign rights are handled by the publishers, and no Italian publishers have contracted for it, sorry. II look like? Then he took his hands and laid them on her face. I loved that book but Im not writing you now for any renumerationI was more impressed (and touched) by your letter. Brian told me that he could fire me at any time he wanted to, that it was up to him if I kept my job. Look at Vukovar. A profound inspiration, I keep pressing on to write about the many facets of life. I was well aware of my sins from a very young age. Philip. And that's no accident, as Yancey draws inspiration from God's Word. Thank you for taking the time to write, and remember that brokenness seems almost a prerequisite for God to use us. If I were going to write on that topic, Id need to spend months researching and thinking about it. She treated me so badly like a a piece of rubbish totally disgusted with me, and all I had had was SSA thoughts . This is our home, and this is all weve got. Scott Carpenter, Mecury 7, When youre finally up at the moon looking back on earth, all those differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and youre going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell cant we learn to live together like decent people. Frank Borman, Apollo 8, You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. It made quite an impact on both my wife and I and I actually believe if it were not for that book and The Jesus I Never Knew we would have abandoned our faith. Thank you so much for your writing in your books, your blog, your articles. 2. During this time, Paul mocked me for being hard of hearing, shouting at me and shaming me. Thank you again And keep writing about grace and the Jesus we need to know and follow. I too look around and say where has all the Grace gone? Hi Philip, I would like to thank you for your books. Shine, In America, Sandakan 8, Stroszek, Scenes from a Marriage, Shy People, Amadeus, Apostle, Adu, As It Is In Heaven, East-West, God Grew Tired of Us, Greenfingers, To End All Wars, Hiding and Seeking, The Quartet, The Story of Luke, Mother and Child. But why an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God hasnt stopped suffering isnt something Christians can adequately answer. We met one time at Montreat as I am also familiar with some of Dr. Brands hand surgery and I asked you about him. That was 4 years ago and today I still struggle with my flesh but I know He truly loves me! This is what the Torah says, and These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Ill share another incident I hadnt thought about in years until I read your book. Thank you for your writings. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Lastly, these months we felt that God brought us so many people who are in needs autoimmune, cancer, and one of my office member of the Board who was also imprisoned similar case to my Dad. 2008, When Life Hurts: Understanding Gods Place in Your Pain 1999, When We Hurt: Prayer, Preparation, & Hope for Lifes Pain 2006, Whats So Amazing about Grace Participants Guide with DVD: A Ten Session Investigation of Grace 2012, Discovering God: A Devotional Journey Through the Bible 1993, After the Wedding: Nine Couples Tell How They Survived the Most Dangerous Years of Marriage 1976, Prayer Participants Guide, Session 2: Why Pray? I would then take the completed cards from the prisoners, put stamps on the envelopes and hand them back to the prisoners to be mailed. Thank you so much for writing wonderful books for Biblical literature readers. Through his various sources of income, he has been able to accumulate a good fortune but prefers to lead a modest lifestyle. However, I know of not a single case in 5 centuries (or 20 really) where He has. Now anyone can get published, and blogs are a common way to force yourself to write on a daily basis. I enjoy your books as Im sure most do that post on your site. Last night I finished Whats so Amazing about Grace. The priest said I was harsh and unforgiving, and lacked compassion for Christopher. The ugliness of the world does not need to pull us down which was something that was beginning to get to me until I chanced upon your book. Thank you for your efforts to help us all see the liberty Christ offers. And I dont want to hear that he is answering through nature or something like that. . But my faith is in God and I will continue to pray, not so much for my wants and petitions, as to grow in knowledge and relationship with God. I asked my church missionary serveral times with the questions such as What is forgiveness? Like Job, my conception of God was wrong and I am glad to have awakened me through the transforming wisdom of His word that brings us hope. However, after researching historical/alternative theories, it seems to me that atonement is far richer than I had ever imagined. (Magyarorszgrl), (google translate) After doing this for one year, they offered to build a small apartment for me in their basement. I had all but given up on Christianity when I first encountered your books. One time Paul also deliberately scheduled his own services to interfere with my own, after a mutually agreeable schedule had already been agreed upon in writing [25] [26]. When I talk to them, they tell me their church stories and I say, Let me tell you my story. And theyre a little surprised if they know me because they say, I thought you were a Christian author. I say, Yeah, I am. Ive spent my whole career trying to separate out what was handed to me by, in my case, a pretty toxic church from the kernel thats worth pursuing.. Im still working on it (being more grace-ful). Why does your book not acknowledge that kind of pain? Id stick with the hardback, available new for $13.21 US. while also editing The Student Bible. Yancey's message is one of hypocrisy and self-righteousness, attributing to man powers he does not have and condemning him when he fails to exercise those powers. I cant deny it. By experiencing a little bit of what He went through, I think it can really teach us something. when they find these very activities too much to bear and then the feel guilty because they are not doing what they are being told they should be doing. Hillery, or as I call her, Hitlery, has proven over the years to be very anti- Christian . Mere Christianity ~ C.S. In this weather, in this gale, in this windy storm, they rest as if in their mothers house: frightened by no storm, sheltered by the Hand of God. Having heard so many of these southern condemnatory sermons about hell in my childhoodeven though I had grown out of that way of looking at the world, that way of looking at GodI had always expected that the fears would come surging back: Am I going to make it? Ive just read straight through at the library your book Disappointment With God, and bought copies for family members. She called US Immigration right away and said I was in the USA illegally, which was not true and I was heading out , she hated anything slightly Gay. I used to attend a local Church. Education: Columbia Bible College, Columbia, B.A., 1970; Wheaton College, Wheaton, M.A., 1972; University of Chicago, M.A., 1990. Let the people around you know that you are serious about institutional corruption and the protection of whistleblowers. Over time, I have seen how the Lord has used my own dark night of the soul to cut away at the fluff, shaping my joy to be found in Him alone. Anyway, the new city on earth wont need the sun (Rev 21:23) since God will provide the light. Yancey grew up in a hyper-fundamentalist, racist church in Atlanta. And your daughter! Darren G. Had been in the position for one year and had set things up, Capt. The city was bigger, the church not that much bigger. This incident, along with a recent CBC investigation [33], lead me to believe that the bullying in the Edmonton Institution is not confined to the chaplaincy office. A sense of betrayal engulfed him. And they havent really proven themselves. I did report this to Bridges manager Brian and to AWI Brad. We have all been really moved by your video clips and it has made us think at a different level esp being in partnership with God in Prayer which is so exciting.I grew up in an evangelical clergy family but much loved and even when my Dad died i had so much support but became a little missionary at the age of 11yrs old!! I have to say that they have all been helpful. When I refused, I was dismissed without receiving any reasons in writing. We were wondering, did you mean that literally or were you speculating? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You are a treasure and gift to the Church, whose impact and legacy stretches to all 7 Continentsnot just the one your Mother wished you went to serve. And yet, my desire to help others comes directly from the Bible. Bruce Smith the Church Army regional Director ,later to be the National Director came up to me on the platform and said we have found out about your (gay past just thoughts in Hawaii) you are no longer accepted in the Church Army ,and he walked away leaving me with my suit cases , shattered and no place to go. This thank you note is long overdue. But had become something more in Janice Greens evil eyes and The Nicholson in Hawaii hated, homophobia , for the first time in my life I was labelled and because of Nicholson, Green and Lindsey and Smith, 4 people, the rest of my life would suffer the results of their hatred .None of them ever took the time to talk to me about it my feelings and views , they simply labelled me and did everything in their power to destroy a good man, my life. to think about, and a new perspective. Or better, prevented the ignition. The church of Christ that I am a member of welcomes everyone. I enjoy reading someone who is not publishing a book a month, and who is a thinker. And history has shown that anger can lead to even further injustice (French and Russian revolutions) or to genuine progress (anti-colonialism movements, fall of the Berlin Wall, South Africa). Thank you for your concern for him. I had never thought of God having a sense of humor, a sense of whimsy, but the animal world surely shows that. It changed my life literally, it opened my eyes to the log in mine and taught me Gods view on all things great and beautiful. Is it possible it is taken from Where is God when it Hurts? People who say they care about me dont understand the condition and what really bothers me is that they dont even try to. In 1992 he and his wife Janet, a social worker and hospice chaplain, moved to the foothills of Colorado. And I believe Bob was giving me a sneak-preview to the true nature of our Lord! I am in the early stages of a memoir-like writing project which will engage the topic of faith in the midst of trial. Jesus talks about not being able to serve God and Money, yet our culture has glorified the comforts we enjoy thru money- to the point where when everything doesnt go our way we decide to fix it. However that does not mean Ive given up reading in general or anything Yancy specifically. I wrote a whole book about it, Reaching for the Invisible God. You express depression very well. . receive me, the e-book will agreed impression you additional situation to read. I told him that I did not say anything of the sort, that such behavior is completely out of character for me as a person. Sorry, Bill, but that story rings no bells for me. God Bless! Especially when 80 percent of the worlds population live on less than $10/day. In the opening chapter, you conclude with a confession that this book is your response to the exercise Mr. Fred Rogers presented whenever he had a chance to speak pause for a minute of silence and think about all of those who have helped you become who you are. As I pause, once again, I am overwhelmed by the sea of faces and voices that fill my mind in answer to all those who helped me become who I am. Mid-year last year the doctor identified my daughter -12 years old autoimmune, and advised us to undergo steroid and medical treatment for two years. Have a problem? Mr Yancey, I made a profession of faith in 1971. I finally was tired of waiting for the contract to sign and so complained to Bruce Smith about it and he replied by throwing me out of the church Army and CSC failed me. Around this time I warned the Edmonton Alberta Diocese and the priest at St. Stephens Church in Edmonton not to let Christopher Lance Neal work with youth in the poor part of the city, as he had a history of sexually abusing them. Philip. Its funny how Dr. "It was the first time that either one has heard the other's voice." His mother lives in the Atlanta area, and his brother lives in California. I am a mainline evangelical, currently using Vanishing Grace as curriculum in an adult Sunday school class. But the reasoning of some of the evangelicals became a little bit more clear and understandable once I did some reading. Thank you for having such courage to write such a book and I want to know how you did it. I would recommend something from chapters 17-19, simply because our nation is so divided politically. is that one difference in Job and Richard is that Job did not have Jesus! A big hug in return. My life is over, a good man destroyed by those who hate and those who look the other way. And by the way Philip, the atrocious mathematics of grace was a lovely title to try and explain the explainable I should know because I am an engineer who knows a thing or two about math and, I must say it, anyone who wrote to you with those negative comments, quite frankly, may have missed the point of the gospel entirely!! Lately when he was given permit to go out from prison to serve in community, Dad went regularly to student fellowships to lead bible study and English course. When I read these stories I cant help but think they simply reveal the ignorance of a primitive culture. Your beautiful books had been recommended too many times by my friends to read.. Mourning and dancing touch each otherthis is a beautiful concept, straight out of the Bible, of course. He was then resurrected. You may be aware of the dreadful exhortation by the well known English atheist scientist Richard Dawkins for people to post videos on YouTube of them defaming Christ and faith. Every corner of my life, and heart, is completely broken. My goal was to make prayer less of a chore,or an obligation, and evidently for you at least I accomplished the opposite. At least I feel warmth and love in your writing. And the sad part is that he did it to a priest before me and he told me he would write a letter about that priest so he never works as a priest again. I did sign up for the Launch Team, I hope that I can help in that. I am praying for Gods intervention, and also deeply trust His Will. I am distressed that someone as dangerous as Spilsby can continue to keep his position of authority in a Government of Canada institution. You know, the laws of nature are pretty tough. My heart swells here with my people and God has a special calling for us. You made me think more deeper about the world and the humanity. Brenda Charrier. There are some sensitive and controversial aspects to this book that I need help navigating, and Whats So Amazing is just that. To understand the definition of forgiveness, does the reference of your book, which is called Forgive and Forget written by I was raised among people who looked for demons and spirits around every corner, and I suppose Ive gone the other direction. Discerning which ones we can take as promises and which ones were restrictednow thats a tricky question, and I dont have a good answer. But I have just recently come upon your books on my own, the latest one being Reaching for the Invisible God. Upon arrival in Grand Junction Colorado on the grey hound bus,I called Janice Green (YWAM UK -Lynn Greens mother)the Base leaders mother in law as instructed , she said I could sleep on the street for the night and go without food ,she had no intention of picking me up. Matt told me to come to his office, where he asked me about the nails. At the time I was in the midst of finding my way through young adult life in NYC where I had moved to forge my own path away from Arkansas, where I was raised. Please advise. I hope that helps. Traveling widely for speaking engagements, he has visited over 85 countries. Currently I am reading Reaching for the Invisible God. Philip. Affirmation by the Regional Chaplain To help correct this injustice, I brought in my own Menorah and candles for the Jewish inmates. In 1984, soon after becoming licensed, I got a job as chaplain at the Toronto East Detention Centre (TEDC). Twenty schoolchildren and six teachers and staff were gunned down. So much anguish, and emphasis on refrain from both control (praiseworthy) and guidance (a bit problematic). Ive only been to Phoenix once, for some golf, but I have some good friends there, so dont be surprised if you can check that one off someday. I hope that somehow you are graced with a direct relationship with God, unmediated by those who may try to maneuver or manipulate. Ive just revised and updated two of those books with Dr. At first, I was scared at nights in my home, but then I reminded myself that my life was in G-ds hands, and that I could trust Him. Ive seen interviews in which he broke down in tears speaking of Jesus, and another in which he paused quite some time before answering that, No, he did not believe in Jesus bodily resurrection. newsletter January 21, 2008 reproduced in, Soul Survivor: How My Faith Survived the Church, "Library of Congress Authority Record: Yancey, Philip", "Soul Survivor Philip Yancey "About the Author",, Official biography by Zondervan Publishing,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 January 2023, at 02:40. I of course thought of turning to God, but faced the prospect of more confusion and dry, empty prayers. The fact that just from the distance of the Moon you can put your thumb up and you can hide the Earth behind your thumb. I have read a couple of your books and it has catapulted me to beautiful planets beyond this life. Surely I did not mean to mock them, and am sorry if it came across to you that way. I never heard any more about the envelope incident from Matt, nor did I see any report written up about it. They just kind of dismissed it. And I love that aspect of God. Thank you for your honest books, where is God when it hurts changed my total perception about suffering and I thank God I got that book at that crucial point of my life. Dear Philip, Philip. His books have sold more than fifteen million copies in English and have been translated into forty languages, making him one of the best-selling contemporary Christian authors. It is difficult not to have the impression its re-emergence in our lives was divinely orchestrated. I have a close friend who has recently written a book which may interest you. Its extended to all of us all the time. I can barely get out of bed. described as a personal relationship with God. Thank you very much. Thank you for your words. Ive stood where New York Citys World Trade Center once was. I think He is amused. 54:17) Which is it Phil? Shortly afterwards, I was taken into my office by Mr. Rasmus, the federal Director of Chaplaincy in Ottawa. I read quite a bit so I may have lost memory of where this story originated. Over a few months I got to know them ,things did not seem right ,they were controlling and closed,ridged in their beliefs . You are one of those essential spiritual fathers for me like Lewis, and Chesterton, and Tim Keller. No one Bible passage. It impacted me so much I had to read more. Change is most certainly on the docket for the next few years. I recently picked up a copy of one of your books entitled, Grace Notes. I have lived by its precepts all my life (57 years), including my own period of questioning the beliefs of my parents. They are geniuses! Now, with Bridges of Canada having been contracted by CSC to provide chaplaincy services, Paul would have to join Bridges of Canada if he wished to continue working at the Edmonton Institution when his contract with CSC came up for renewal. My reporting had alienated me from Threshold Ministries and the church that had ordained and licensed me, and the police called me a liar. PHILLIP! One concentrated effort Ive made in the past year has been the regular practice of sending notes of appreciation to strangers writers, artists, varied creators whose work has moved me in some way, beamed some light into my day. To teach and write about the many facets of life post on your site deeper about many! 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