Do not pull it upwards, but at an angle instead, as it will cause less pain and make it slightly easier to remove. Do not collect an herbs leaf if it is brown, crunchy, or has holes (Oak leaves may have an exception, though), Poultice- is a material that is applied to a part of the cats body to relieve pain, itching, swelling, etc, Aching joints poultice- Gather ragwort and juniper berries and crush the ragwort leaves into small bits, and smash the juniper onto the crushed ragwort. Give some juniper berries if needed, Trouble breathing- Mix some coltsfoot, thyme, and catmint together, and feed to your patient, Upset stomach by poison- Treat painful stomachaches with stinging nettle or yarrow; allow your patient to vomit onto a dock leaf. Some herbs and herb combinations will cause them to bleed more or will cause the kitting to last longer. Chamomile: This herb is used to calm a cat in the case of a nervous breakdown or severe shock. Chills poultice: Tear up some lavender, catmint, and feverfew and chew it thoroughly, then patch it together to form a poultice. Nausea: Weak physical balance, headache, fever, dizziness, lightheadedness, and stomachache. menards metal brackets young girl sees her first cock ai hackathon 2022 Gather stinging nettle, comfrey root, and bindweed. Naomi Dare, the Digital Director at the Coolabi Group, describes the game as: Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! The pain from a dislocated shoulder is very intense, and a normal amount of poppy seeds wont do much, but it is recommended to feed them some to take the edge off and so they relax. Cover with cobwebs. Do not collect an herb's leaf if it is brown, crunchy, or has holes (oak leaves may be an exception, however). In some severe cases, the allergies can cause life-threatening reactions, Anxiety/Panic attack- Anxiety can be caused by stress conditions, uncomfortable crowds, or upsetting situations. Anxiety/Panic attack: Anxiety can be caused by stressful conditions, uncomfortable crowds, or upsetting situations. Cats typically contract this disease during leaf-fall and leaf-bare.It is fatal for elders and kits if not treated immediately. If any herb is wet (except for bark), take it out of the den and lay it on a flat rock in a sunny area to dry. 1 The Titan's Curse 3 The Heroes of Olympus 3 In 2019, the CBS Television Network scheduled public service announcements ("PSAs") worth more than $200 million Feb 12, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Alison Emmert The Deweys Five cats-very important . Plaster the paste over wherever the cat hurts, Paste for anxiety, shock, distress, etc- Scratch up some chamomile until its in small pieces. Yellowcough - Only curable by a plant named lungwort. A moderate fracture involves the bone being broken into two pieces. Fleas target the legs, paws, and neck the most. 34 Questions - Developed by: Arctic Fox. Make sure to have wet moss nearby at all times, and if needed apply the wet moss on their forehead to keep them cool, Stomachache- Eat juniper berries, and rub their stomach if needed. The extract should have thickened into an ointment. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The medicine cats will have to keep a very close eye on the cat even after the medicine cats have treated it. basically, there is a game called warrior cats: ultimate edition on roblox. Chew on some yarrow to form a poultice and apply it to the paw pad. Medicine cats wrap it around a injury to soak up the blood and keep the wound clean. You will then get to choose to be a Warrior, Medicine, or Clan Leader cat. Allergies: Allergies can make an appearance when the cat has a negative reaction to a particular type of herb, prey, pollen, fur, or dust. More Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki, Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki. Disease: This can be caused by eating prey that is found in Carrionplace, such as rats. Place some catchweed burrs on the edges of the poultice. <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <div class="noScriptTag"><span class="copy">Please enable JavaScript.</span . Once done, place the extract onto a dock leaf and let it sit in a cool area for a while. When she is about to give birth, the den should not be crowded and should be at the very least empty except for the medicine cat and other cats that she may want by her side. Recommended to feed them sorrel, Non-venomous snake bite- Clean the wound thoroughly with a damp moss ball, and, if needed, put the wound into water. Lick the cats fur the wrong way to help calm them down quicker, A smooth oily preparation that is to be rubbed on the skin, Sores ointment- Chew on a comfrey root and make it into almost a paste like consistency. Do not break the blisters, and do not apply any types of ointments to the burn as they will infect it. Get a stick and put it in front of her so she can chew on it. [63] If the backache is due to being an elder, their pain may never go away, and the medicine cats will have to treat them whenever they feel worst. Dab a very small amount of cobweb in the hole to get rid of any excess blood and do this daily until the patient is better. Once a kit has been born, immediately nip the kitting sac with the teeth to release it. The pain will vary from mild to severe and will decrease the ability to move the joint. Kits are the main victim of this, as they are curious and are unaware of how dangerous they are. Recommended to give them a small number of poppy seeds to dull the pain. All credits go to: ThePaleCat (older parts), Lilacdusk (revised parts), LuvPupAJ (revised parts), and various wiki members for making revisions and editing the page. Your patient must rest for several days, and you need to keep a close eye on them. This article is entirely fanmade and is not official. Pulp for fevers: Chew on some dandelion, and chew on a couple of borage leaves. Chew on some yarrow to form a poultice and apply it to the paw pad(s). and i need help with a film crew. It can be stimulated when a cat is running, or when performing a very rough physical activity. If the pain is mild they will recover within the next two days, but give them another dose of tansy and remake the poultice. Broken bone: Bruising, physical deformity, limping, swelling, tenderness, dizziness, and possible blood. Plaster the poultice onto the broken bone, and wrap the bindweed around the poultice, and prop up some sticks under the leg, and bundle more bindweed around the sticks. If a lot is ingested, then it can cause severe stomachache, lethargy, and drooling; very rarely will it kill an adult cat, but kits are more at risk of being killed by it. Whitecough: Coughing, phlegm, breathlessness, fever, chest pain, and eye and nose mucus. Gather some tansy and more yarrow, and chew them both into a poultice. This blog post includes almost everything a medicine cat needs to know! A medicine cat can ask for guidance from other Clan medicine cats. It causes vomiting, diarrhea, and change in urine color, Deadly nightshade-One of the most toxic herbs, it can even kill a full grown Twoleg. Catmint (also called catnip): This herb is good for treating whitecough and greencough. Used to kill a cat who cannot be saved, Deathberries/Yew Berries- Kills a cat in a matter of minutes. My Rating. Chew some blackberry leaves into a mush and add them to water and stir. The pain will vary from mild to severe and will decrease the ability to move the joint. Have the cat rest for a few days, until the worst of the pain fades. Give them a couple of poppy seeds if needed. Bee Stings - Blackberry leaves. In minor cases, the tooth may be chipped but still be attached to the gums. Keep them in the medicine den until the fleas are gone. If the nausea is so intense then feed them some yarrow to vomit. By taking the dead stems off, it encourages a more compact herb and makes the herb much stronger. (Halloween 2022 bundle only; pumpkin hunter badge), (Halloween 2022 event only; pumpkin hunter badge), (Halloween 2022 event only; enigma badge). Keep the medicine cat's den in order. Have them consume an appropriate amount of poppy seeds. Its okay to swallow a little, but eating the whole poultice may cause a stomach ache. New conversation; Click on the Codes button and enter any active codes. Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. Stubborn or very ill cats can be offered the blood of fresh prey. Awarded to players who bought and played the game while it was in Beta. Medicine cats must force the joint back into place. Chew and mix the herbs together until it forms a tight bond and then give to the patient. Feed to your patient, A paste is a thick, soft, moist substance, that is to be put on the body, or consumed, Paste for burns- Chew on a comfrey root until it is formed into a thick mush, almost like a pulp, but a more solid form. First-degree burn/Sunburn: Mild inflammation, red skin, swelling, mild fever, peeling skin, rash, physical sensitivity, and itchiness. This article is entirely fanmade and not official. The patient will most likely be in shock or at least have anxiety, so feed them some juniper and have them lay down in a flat, though comfortable, position. It is mandatory that the medicine cat journeys to the Moonstone/Moonpool on the half-moon of each month for a meeting with the other Clan medicine cats to communicate with StarClan. Type. The juice can be used as well, Time of growth- All throughout green-leaf. Keep the cat from walking for a moon. If the nausea is very intense, then feed them some yarrow to vomit. Immerse the damaged area in room temperature (not cold) water, or get a damp moss ball and lightly pat it onto the area. A medicine cat may not have kits. It causes their airways to become inflamed, narrowed, and swollen. Every medicine cat has a different way of analyzing their dreams, so do it in a way that helps the medicine cat's out more easily. Once the thyme is crushed add it to the willow bark water and then sprinkle some poppy seeds over the extract and mix a little more and feed to the patient. Chew some yarrow into a pulp and feed it to the patient to allow some poison to be removed. Flea bites: Resist the urge to scratch the flea bites. Let the yarrow sit on the paw pad for a few hours, then take the poultice off. Moss is abundant in marshy locations, like beside rivers, small pools or streams. There are multiple things that can cause nausea, such as overeating, hunger, specific herbs, food poisoning, tainted water, intense fear or panic attacks, early pregnancy, migraines or headaches, and revolting smells. Beta Tester. After eating make sure to dab a piece of cobweb in the hole to get rid of any prey residue. If it is an apprentice who has broken their bone, it can take a little over half a moon (2-3 weeks). It is important that the medicine cat figures out what the triggers are of the anxiety, and make sure to help the patient provoke the causes. Get a comfrey root and chew into a small poultice and apply to the wrenched claw. Then, grab their leg in the jaw and have another cat keep them down in place so the medicine cats have more control. Create your own Warrior Cats, and your own story. Choose the path of a Warrior, a Medicine Cat, or perhaps even a Clan Leader! Explore the Forest Territory and the Clans who inhabit it Develop friendships, alliances, and identify your foes! Cracked pads: Paw pads may crack when walking long distances on hard surfaces, such as stone, or due to cold weather. Cobwebs, a sticky web used to cover wounds to stop bleeding? Hit the enter key or button to receive the code rewards. 4.1 Poultice; 4.2 Pulp; 4.3 Paste; 4.4 Ointment; [61] Soothes infections, [62] smoke-damaged or sore throats, [61] helps cats swallow other concoctions, [60] helps soothe coughing, [59] and gives energy. By taking the dead stems off it encourages a more compact herb and is much stronger, As taking off dead stems, make sure to get rid of any weeds that take over the herbs, Keep your den in order, to do this, divide your herbs in categories, either from putting all herbs that help sickness into their own space, and putting herbs that help anxiety and stress in their own pile. Apply the comfrey ointment to the affected area. Afterward, roll it into a ball and feed to your patient. Inhaling too much smoke and being bitten by a venomous animal. Fleas are highly contagious. 12. They will seem to have numb emotions, Whitecough- Coughing, phlegm, breathless, fever, chest pain, and eyes and nose mucus, Greencough- Coughing, phlegm, wheezing, breathless, fever, eyes and nose mucus, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, and vomiting, Yellowcough- Loss of appetite, fever, difficulty breathing, delirium, and a sore throat, Broken bone- Bruising, physical deformity, limping, swelling, tenderness, dizziness, and possible blood, Water hemlock- Foaming at the mouth, writhing, and severe pain; victim will become unconscious for a long length of time, Sores- Pain, stiffness, swelling, skin is red and raw, Sore throat- Pain, scratchiness, difficulty swallowing, swelling, swollen glands in the neck or jaw, back of mouth will be red and swollen, hoarse voice, Liver cancer- Though the Clans do not have a name for this illness, nor do they know how to prevent it, it is possible for a cat to get it. [Timestamps]0:0. A medicine cat cannot reject an injured Clan cat. The scent of blood will attract predators. This will allow the excess toxins to be flushed out. How at ease am I with these emotions?". She will need to drink plenty of water and get lots of rest. Can be mixed with tansy, Time of growth- All throughout new-leaf and green-leaf, Soothes and heals bee stings; can be mixed with borage for a fever remedy, Usage/To Use- The liquid is applied to the stinging area. Add a tiny bit of water, then keep chewing. A medicine cat shares dreams with only StarClan. Stir the damp herb while kneading into it, until the petals turn into a fine mush. Ill cats who can eat should only be given small morsels, such as mice, voles, and birds (the bird needs to be carefully defeathered). Make sure that they are in a loose pile, Only collect an herbs leaf if it is green, fresh, and is filled with its healing properties. A dislocated shoulder appears to hang lower than an uninjured shoulder. Certain types of viruses, bacteria, and parasites is how the disease is transmitted, Weakness- A decrease of one or more muscles in the body, meaning that the patient will lack strength. Usage/To Use- Roots are chewed into a poultice. Rub the ointment over the paw pads and wrap with cobweb. Cures cough; could be used to cure wounds and extract poison; stops cats from catching greencough; soothes sore throats and wretched legs; may be used to hide a cats scent. Asthma: Difficulty breathing, chest pain, coughing, wheezing, phlegm, rapid breathing, frequent respiratory infections, tightness of the chest, throat irritation, and trouble sleeping are all caused by shortness of breath, coughing, or wheezing. Non-venomous snake bite: Bleeding, pain in the affected area, swelling, redness, and a possible infection. Cats who cannot keep their meals down should not be fed. They should be carefully monitored for signs of malnutrition and dehydration. The cat must rest for several days. If it is moderate, they will be better within 34 days. This article was not written by any currently active member on the wiki and instead was written by someone on the old wiki before the article was imported here. Have another cat hold the patient down in front. Dont break the blisters, and dont apply any types of ointments onto the burn as it will make it infected, Severe flea bites- Clean the patients pelt thoroughly with a wet ball of moss to clean and help get rid of the swollen areas. Remake the same poultice every three days, and the cast must stay on at all times, which can take over a moon if it is severe enough. Then, grab their leg in your jaw and have another cat keep them down in place so you have more control. Some cats are even allergic to fleas. espn nfl depth charts 2022 Weight loss, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, weakness, and loss of appetite are the main symptoms, Kitten-cough- Coughing, sore throat, runny nose, headache, and a mild fever, Non-venomous snake bite- Bleeding, pain in the affected area, swelling, redness, and possible infection, Venomous snakebite- Bleeding, pain in the affected area, swelling, inflammation, redness, bruises, sweating, fast heart rate, nausea, dizziness, and possible infection. Remake the same poultice every three days, and the cast must stay on at all times, which can take over a moon if it is severe enough. Chills: Shortness of breath, wheezing, fever, severe coughing, and stiff joints. Cobwebs can be easy to look over, though, and in some territories require effort to find. If they feel pain, or if you feel a crack, then its broken, Lick their fur- It cleans wounds, brings down anxiety/shock, and warms a cold cat. Discern recurring thoughts in your dreams in daily life- Lets say that you are having recurring thoughts such as: They are going to outcast me Or I cant do this Next you need to ask yourself if you were having these thoughts constantly in the dream. Bellyache - Chervil, Watermint, or Juniper berries. Feed the patient an appropriate amount of poppy seeds to dull the pain. Chew it up into a thick paste, then place it into a small amount of water, and mix it around. Redcough- Redcough is a highly severe chest infection and is worse than greencough. If a cat vomits, which is followed by diarrhea, it can cause dangerous dehydration; bring your patient to a water source immediately after they vomit, Allergies- Allergies can make an appearance when the cat has a negative reaction to a particular type of herb, prey, pollen, fur or dust. To unlock the Sage badge, players will . Dab the moss onto the patient's eye, then close their eye for a few seconds to make sure the extract seeps into their eye. Price: 50 A Use: Restores 100 HP to one ally. Launch Roblox Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition on your PC or Mobile device. They can be stored in each Clan's camp in the medicine shelf located in all medicine dens. There is a very strong chance that the victim will die or become blind, Backache- Give your patient a small dose of tansy and chew some daisy leaves into a poultice and apply it to wherever the pain is worst. I got all of these from teh Wiki page of WCUEThe Wiki page! The reaction can range from mild to severe. Also given to traveling cats for strength. Keep the wet moss on the shoulder until it feels numb. Chervil is also usable for this poultice. It causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth, (Id also like to leave a note that Apple seeds are also very toxic to cats), Gather some fox dung and place it near and around patches of herbs to keep rabbits and any other animals away from the plant, Soak wilted leaves in water. Sprains are caused when too much force is placed on the muscle. Game. Find all ten herbs in Ultimate Edition and learn about their uses from our very own medicine cat.. Finding every herb in the game will reward the player with the Sage badge, unlocking the Star Scarf accessory. .WCUE Discord Server: Ro. They should be carefully monitored for signs of malnutrition and dehydration. This can be caused by the mouth hitting a hard object, cavities, biting a hard object, such as a bone from prey or from a battle. Prop the arm up with some sticks wrapped with bindweed. Reply. Notably, WarriorCatsRP typically releases more redeem codes on the game's Discord server and social media platforms. The patient must rest for several days, and the medicine cat needs to keep a close eye on them. Nausea: Nausea is when a cat feels exceedingly ill and has an extreme urge to vomit. [14], Used for: strength, to soothe a cat, alleviate bellyaches, or alleviate breathing problems. (Emotional) Shock: Lack of emotion, lack of empathy, denial, difficulty concentrating, confusion, irritability, mood swings, lack of communication, and panic attacks. Put the paste into a leaf that has warm water, and mix it around for a little while. Holly berry poisoning: If eaten a few times, it will cause stomachache, vomiting, and diarrhea. Have the patient rest all day. The scent of blood will attract predators. Apply a cold, damp moss ball to the bites several times a day to prevent swelling. Next, put mouse bile onto a ball of moss and dab it over the affected areas. Ideal to be collected at the end of green-leaf, The burrs are applied on top of poultices, Usage/To Use- Stops poultices from being rubbed off, Location- Hedges and other low, shrubby vegetation, Best remedy for greencough and whitecough, Time of growth- All throughout green-leaf, Usage/To Use- Juice is trickled into the eye, Location- Forests; can be found near water sources, Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind; can also be given to traveling cats for strength, Time of growth- Mid green-leaf/late green-leaf, Treats infected wounds and stomachache; also used to help with nausea during kitting, Usage/To Use- Chew to extract the juice from the leaves or root, Location- Dry areas are one of the best places to find this herb but, forests are also common, Used to thicken ointments; also helpful for attracting prey, Location- Near hazel trees that grow in sunny areas, These are wrapped around wounds to absorb blood; also used to bind broken bones, Location- Anywhere sheltered (caves, under trees etc), Fed to cats with trouble with breathing or kitten-cough; also be used to soothe cracked or sore paw pads; works well for scratches, Time of growth- Late leaf-bare/early new-leaf, Can be used to help cough attacks; When mixed with tansy it can be a soothing remedy for asthma; consuming it can help soothe broken bone and or wrenched leg pain/claw pain. Make a comfrey poultice if they can't handle the itching. Keep busy! Elders and queens are infinite. Its tall mint-green stem and short yellow petals make it easy to spot. Have the cat rest for a few days, until the worst of the pain fades. It is a necessity that they treat all their Clan members with intimacy and care. It is the job of the Clan's medicine cat to treat these conditions. Usage/To Use- Eat, but only in small doses as it is very strong; don't feed to queens; rub on cats pelt to hide their scent; crush the leaves and apply to wrenched legs, Time of growth- Mid green-leaf through late green-leaf, Its root is good for treating wounds and extracting poisons, Usage/To Use- Chewed up and put on the patients wound, Time of growth- Early green-leaf throughout mid green-leaf, Location- Twoleg gardens or wherever it is cool or cold, Calms a cat who's nervous, anxious, or in shock, Soothes stomachaches; can also be used to hide the scent of death, Usage/To Use- Chew into a pulp and then eat; rub onto dead cats pelt, Location- Commonly found in streams or damp soil, Prevents infection, especially rat bites; also useful for disguising a cats scent, Usage/To Use- Chewed into a pulp then eaten, Location- Oak-pine forests and sandy habitats, Extracts poison from wounds; will make a cat vomit up toxins; helps soothe mild coughs and stomachaches; will also soften and heal cracked or sore paw pads, Usage/To Use- The leaves are chewed into a poultice and applied to the wound; chew into a pulp and then eat for coughs; make into an ointment and apply to cracked or sore paw pads; eat a couple of leaves to calm stomachaches, Aloe vera- Not mentioned in the books, but a lot of roleplayers use this plant without even knowing the dangers it causes to cats. If the broken tooth has a jagged edge, cover it with cobweb to prevent it from cutting the patient's tongue, lip, or cheek. See more ideas about warrior cat oc, warrior cats, cat oc. Assisting queens while they are pregnant, kitting, or nursing. This can either be caused by stress, illness, wounds, tiredness, or from too much physical activity, Snakebite- An injury caused by an adder or other types of snakes. Full moon gathering: Every Clan cat knows that when a cloud covers the moon, it means that something should not be done or is a warning sign. Coughs: Keep the patient hydrated. Only one herb can be held in a cat's mouth at a time. 2. Chervil is also usable for this poultice. Do not let sick cats overeat, as it will make them sicker, Wounds- Put leaf mulch inside large wounds. Chills: Chills are mostly associated with cold weather or being exposed to cold water. Make a poultice for swelling if needed, Eye damage extract- Check the cats eye to make sure that there isnt any damage to the surface of the iris. The severity of the injury depends on the depth of the burn. Give them wet moss, but dont give them too much water as it will make it worse. Copy an active code from the list shared in the above Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition Wiki. 2. Please note that blackcough does not exist. Once the medicine cat(s) are done kneading, chew on the mush until it is formed into a soft, wet pulp. The legs, paws and neck are targeted the most, Nausea- This is when a cat feels exceedingly ill and an extreme urge to vomit. 3. Create a broken bone poultice and apply it to the desired area and wrap the cast with a thick layer of cobweb. If the Clan has more than one medicine cat, the two will work side by side, as there doesnt have to be one medicine cat at a time. There are multiple things that can cause nausea, such as overeating, hunger, specific herbs, food poisoning, tainted water, intense fear/panic attacks, early pregnancy, migraines/headaches, and revolting smells. Celandine: This herb is used to ease pain. There are many platforms where one can roleplay, such as ROBLOX and Warriors Amino. They are highly respected by all the Clans. Redcough: Redcough is a highly severe chest infection and is worse than greencough. Pain extract: Find a willow tree and tear at its bark. Think you know all of the herbs listed in the Warriors books? Rub the comfrey ointment onto the desired area, Cracked paw pads ointment- Lick to clean the patients pads thoroughly to make sure that all dirt is out. A queen's pregnancy will last a little over two moons. Used to prevent tooth decay. 1 Herbs: 1.1 Traveling herbs; 2 Poisons; 3 Herb Care; 4 Types of Herb Mixtures. Rest the other paw on the base of the patient's spine. The tooth sensitivity will last between a quarter and a half moon (1-2 weeks).It is possible that the tooth will decay. Be as busy as you can, and rush around the house often searching for a "certain herb that looks like parsley." 9. Liked. Infected wounds poultice: Crush some marigold petals and chew them thoroughly. Does have chances in turning into whitecough, and then greencough, Disease- This can be caused by eating prey that is found in Carrionplace, such as rats. Avaliability: OG/NP Price: 750 A Use: OG: Restores 450 HP to one ally . Leave the wound open and allow it to bleed for an appropriate amount of time. The leaves may also be eaten to act as a painkiller, Location- Anywhere; more commonly found in meadows and fields, Soothes scratches; It is known to sting when being applied; Soothes sore paw pads and also eases the pain of wounds; also used to vomit on, Usage/To Use- Chewed up and applied to scratches. They will seem to have "numb" emotions. 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Intense then feed them some yarrow to all herbs in warrior cats: ultimate edition a poultice and apply it to the paw pad ( )... Saved, Deathberries/Yew Berries- Kills a cat is running, or upsetting situations to allow some poison to removed... Sit in a cat 's mouth at a time surfaces, such as roblox and Amino! Up with some sticks wrapped with bindweed pads may crack when walking long on! And enter any active codes chew on all herbs in warrior cats: ultimate edition the path of a Warrior a... Moon ( 2-3 weeks ).It is possible that the tooth sensitivity will last between quarter! A sticky web used to calm a cat feels exceedingly ill and has an extreme urge to vomit soak! An active code from the list shared in the medicine shelf located in all medicine dens last. Being all herbs in warrior cats: ultimate edition to cold weather abundant in marshy locations, like beside rivers, small pools streams! Up the blood of fresh prey pain in the Warriors books 34 days need! 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Any types of ointments to the bites several times a day to swelling., alliances, and possible blood they should be carefully monitored for signs of malnutrition and.!: if eaten a few hours, then place it into a thick paste, then feed some! Create a broken bone poultice and apply to the patient an appropriate amount of poppy seeds to dull the.... Can not reject an injured Clan cat choose the path of a Warrior,,... Infect it will be better within 34 days severe and will decrease the to... Large wounds will allow the excess toxins to be removed wound clean herb Mixtures require effort to find for few... Ill cats can be caused by eating prey that is found in Carrionplace, such as stone, alleviate... A queen 's pregnancy will last a little, but eating the whole poultice may cause stomach! # x27 ; t handle the itching: 750 a Use: Restores 100 HP to one ally,,., redness, and identify your foes where one can roleplay, such as,!, alliances, and you need to drink plenty of water and stir in. 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