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Hence, you dont have to worry about future job opportunities as a police officer that much since there will be plenty of work that still has to be carried out by humans. While this can be quite annoying and emotionally challenging, you will also learn how to keep your emotions under control and how to react to difficult situations. In fact, mistakes on your side can lead to horrible outcomes and you should therefore make sure that you act in a responsible manner. Environmental Conscience aims to provide unique high-quality content that is helpful to the reader.,, Less likely to use violence. Quite often, you will see families breaking apart and you will also see the worst of humanity. Officers love the fact that no two calls are alike and you never know what you are going to get sent to by your dispatch center. Hence, your life will depend on the reliability of your colleagues and if you dont want to put your life into the hands of others, chances are that becoming a police officer will not be the right way to go for you. Almost 90% said they had come to understand the community, which they believed would serve them in their criminal justice careers. Hence, dont think that your job as a police officer is entirely safe. The suspect obeys, and Officer Bob makes an arrest. Webhow is being a philanthropist different than putting $5 into a donation box? It's not a lame assignment or a job for a cop looking for a cushy job Community policing and problem-oriented policing require problem solving and creative thinking skills that the college experience helps develop. An aggravating factor is an aspect of crime that increases an act's severity and culpability. Also make sure to check out the following articles: Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a dentist, Advantages and disadvantages of becoming an actor,, As a policeman, you will also have the power to do good for others. In fact, if people know that your family and friends know a police officer quite well, they will often act in a more respectful manner since they know that they can get into all sorts of trouble if they misbehave. Discretion gives officers the flexibility to perform their job. This is quite logical since whenever you need the police, something bad has happened to others. These internal perks and lack of humdrum keep officers job satisfaction rates high. It is unique devotion to people which comes along with the territory. There had even been cases where police officers joined radical groups that are forbidden by our constitution and local laws. This will also be quite hard for yourself since you will never know whether you will see your kids again or not. There are allowances and plenty of financial coverage taking care of various Consequently, many police officers are also unable to unplug from what has happened during their shift and carry their worries and emotional issues back home. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Many officers would say humor buffers the shroud of reality we face in societal problems. Officer Bob decides simply to warn the driver in this instance. Those attributes we contract from experience tend to become permanent character traits. Research shows that, overall, college-educated officers generate fewer citizen complaints. However, Ive quit pretty soon after that since I havent found true meaning in my job. Now I can do what I really love to do and I want to enable as many other people as well to go this exciting path towards happiness instead of money. There will always be the risk to get injured or dying during your shift as a police officer. There is just that much insecurity involved in this job that you will never know when you are called to the next operation. Use of force is defined as actions that range from verbal threats to use force to actually using force that could cause physical harm. interacts online and researches product purchases Police officers have a duty to serve and protect their communities, but some officers may be discouraged by the fact that crimes will continue to be committed no matter what. So are The Conversations authors and editors. He uses his own discretion to make this decision. You may also just not be eligible for a career as a police officer. Comraderies among peers also deflect negative work thoughts. Select the option or tab named Internet Options (Internet Explorer), Options (Firefox), Preferences (Safari) or Settings (Chrome). On the other hand, the use of police discretion has been criticized for negative aspects. However, it can also be a dangerous, stressful and difficult job. [Youre smart and curious about the world. Thus, becoming a police officer can also be a great career path for you if you love excitement and action on a regular basis. Thus, make sure that you also have backup plans in case you will not be suitable for a police career. It is a curse and a blessing. Police officers earn above average wages and receive good retirement benefits and pensions at the end of their career. Consequently, dont be discouraged if your first job as a police officer will not be your dream job. WebAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Police Officers Working Without Uniform Intellectual stimulation One benefit of the detective career is the intellectual stimulation and In turn, you will also become more patient in case things dont work out the way you want them to be. Many people will also secretly admire you for what you are doing for them. Law enforcement is ever-evolving, and so is the person occupying the uniform. However, before you sign your contract, make sure you read this article since I show you all the pros and cons of being a police officer. The advantages of police discretion are that it makes the position more flexible, allows for quick interpretation and action, and fosters judicial economy. 60,105 police officers were assaulted while performing their duties in 2020. Among others, articles have been cited by NPOs, Wikipedia, as well as on several college websites and lifestyle blogs. Another advantage of being a policeman is that you can keep your neighborhood safe. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. She has tutored English and History, as well as STEM classes, such as Statics, Calculus, and Thermodynamics. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-banner-1','ezslot_15',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-banner-1-0');Another benefit of being a police officer is that you will also stay fit. Especially in case your mistakes become publicly known and have something to do with race, gender or other sensitive topics, you will be at great risk of losing your job since the general public wants justice and some scapegoat will be needed in this regard. List of the Advantages of Police Discretion 1. Its dreadful, really. The job requires long hours, and many officers spend their lives on the force. Some people may find this overwhelming, and others may find great joy in being responsible for helping others. However, I will not take any responsibility for incorrect information and will not be liable for any negative consequences that might occur due to the reliance on this information. These changes often come with company benefits. Share it! Copyright 2023 If officers had to ask permission from judges for every decision they were faced with, this would be inefficient and costly. It's the most comprehensive and trusted online destination for law enforcement agencies and police departments worldwide. Thus, every goodbye will sound strange and will have a sad implication of what might happen sooner or later. A police officer can also impact the area they serve as a whole. All of these things have been shown to increase critical thinking, moral reasoning and openness to diversity. Often, in murder trials, the punishment can be the death penalty or life imprisonment. In fact, your colleagues will become your second family since you simply spend so much time with them. Some regions have pretty demanding hiring processes and you will often also have to prove your abilities as well as a high fitness level before you an become a police officer. Please also note that working conditions and duties greatly vary across countries and also depend on individual circumstances. Do Not Sell My Personal Information, If you need further help setting your homepage, check your browsers Help menu. Officers who have an understanding of scientific methods, as taught in college, are better positioned to adjust their departments policies. However, some police officers quit their jobs after a while due to the dangers they no longer want to be exposed to. There are some circumstances where you could lose your job overnight and you might end up unemployed and even homeless in the long run due to that. Once the jury uses their discretion to render a verdict, the judge may use their discretion in sentencing. Policing is a very dangerous job. There are advantages to police discretion, such as allowing officers the flexibility to perform their job, allowing officers to make quick determinations when The officers deter criminal activity such as theft, vandalism and terrorism, protect their employers investments and enforce There are various reasons why the use of police discretion is a positive aspect of a police officer's position. As a police officer, you will surely be both loved and hated. Specially empowered security officers can relieve public police of spending time and resources to address crime against private businesses. We are selective of where we dine. Some police officers also grew up under rather poor conditions and urgently want to make a positive change for their community. Police discretion is used while officers are performing their official day-to-day duties. Problem-oriented policing is a proactive strategy to identify crime problems in communities. A college education helps officers become better at identifying quality information and scientific evidence. This is not an exhaustive list - it is just illustrative to give you a sense of when an officer can use their own discretion. There are many instances throughout a police officer's day-to-day work where they can decide how to respond to a situation using their own best judgement and wisdom rather than a strict law. What Are the Major Skills and Traits That a Police Officer Must Have Today?Communication Skills. This is extremely important for a police officer because most of your tasks will get done by communicating with others.Writing Skills. Police officers often need to write incidents reports. Active Listen er. Ability to Obtain Knowledge. Adaptability. Attention to Details. Critical Thinking. Friendly. Empathy and Compassion. More items This may be called Tools or use an icon like the cog. Discretion in criminal justice is present at all levels of the system and in its bureaucracies. Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology, Iowa State University, Director, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice; Co-Director, Nebraska Collaborative for Violence Intervention and Prevention, University of Nebraska Omaha. Opportunity to help offenders follow the law*. Add to that the ability to help people on a daily basis and this line of work can be very fulfilling. While some people dont like this high level of insecurity, others live for it since it gives them a certain level of thrill and excitement. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-leader-1','ezslot_17',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-leader-1-0');Thus, over time, you will build a high level of trust with each other and after a few years, you will almost blindly rely on your colleagues having your back in case of emergency. There will only be the harsh reality left and most policemen become really tired of being insulted and attacked in the long run. Some people may enjoy the commitment and camaraderie, but others may seek a change in career after a few years. Another problem with being a police officer is that you can also lose your job due to only one big mistake. It also allows the police officer to quickly interpret the applicable statutory law and then act upon the determination. In recent years, many people have also lost their trust and their respect for police officers. In murder cases, an aggravating factor might include whether the defendant committed the crime in an especially heinous, cruel, or depraved manner. In fact, there is plenty of frustration around in the cop world since many people just had different plans for their lives and thought that being a cop would just be different. How pleasant your life will be as a police officer also greatly depends on the neighborhood you have to work in. When the police perform their official duties, there is a certain level of discretion they must use. Make sure to also get detailed information on the salary, prospects, future outlook, educational requirements, duties, responsibilities, work-life balance and job satisfaction of police officers. Police officers may face disciplinary action for making the wrong decision. Hence, if you are not able to process those issues in an emotionally healthy manner, chances are that you will be quite unhappy as a policeman. Cops are not immune to the changes in the divisiveness of society and the emotional drama associated with it. However, the police have to use their discretion when deciding to perform a search. You can get our highlights each weekend. Consequently, apart from your decent salary, you will also be able to save money on many occasions in your daily life, which makes becoming a police officer even more attractive from a financial standpoint. A high fitness level is crucial to maintain a high quality of life and therefore, becoming a police officer can also improve your life in general. However, in reality, there are also many downsides related to this job. This is due to the fact that police officers often see pretty bad things that they can hardly process in an emotionally healthy manner. However, once they get older, they will notice that every goodbye can be the last one. By far, the residual payoffs outweigh the bad. We often compete with our peers and families in outdoor games and sporting events. You will also have to make difficult decisions within minutes or even seconds and your life will not be as easy as you might think now. Of course, you should never become a police officer solely due to the fact that you would be able to retire early. Now let's look at another example. So daily we are exposed to human misery and conflict which gives us a very narrow version of society. Imagine that Officer Bob is on patrol in an area known for drug trafficking. This can be rather annoying, especially if you have a family and dont know how to manage your private life since you often dont know the exact hours of your shift. Police officers also get confronted with really bad things during their careers. These internal perks and lack of humdrum keep officers job satisfaction rates high. In fact, you can work in many different departments over the course of your career and are rather flexible regarding the field you want to work in. While some people will be rather cooperative, others will try to insult you or to bring you down whenever they can. Resources in the criminal justice system are limited and must be used efficiently. In fact, there will be almost no day without any insults or complaints that you have to deal with as a police officer. Christine Liddell graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering. For instance, since many people really appreciate your work, you will often get meals for free in your favorite restaurants. For both the corporation and the community, there are advantages and disadvantages to empowering private security officers with police authority. Many people also underestimate the amount of paperwork police officers have to deal with. Also, the prosecutor can determine if there are aggravating factors that make a crime even worse. There are also plenty of career opportunities you can pursue as a police officer. Regarding the use of force, officers whove graduated from college are almost 40% less likely to use force. Police officers are often misinterpreted when our antics are overheard in public. Research shows that, overall, college-educated officers generate fewer citizen complaints. Lexipol. See disclaimer. I admit, this can be annoying at the beginning. As an associate, I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon or other programs. Copyright 2023 Since police officers enjoy a high reputation among the general public, they often get additional perks. Police work affords theopportunity for giving back both on duty and off. Juvenile Justice System & Law | The Rights of Juvenile Offenders, Critical Issues Facing Women & Minority Police Officers, Use of Force Continuum | Use of Force Models & Examples, Ethics, Discretion & Professionalism in Policing. You However, there are also many downsides related to this career path. Depending on the state you live in and your educational level, you can also earn pretty decent money from being a police officer. The use of discretion allows the police officer the flexibility necessary to perform their job. Many children dream of becoming a police officer. - Definition, Qualifications & Responsibilities, The Office for Victims of Crime: History, Role & Purpose, Discrimination within Police Departments: Law, Incidents & Impact, The Impact of State Prosecutors on Police Practices, The History & Impact of Policing in America, Jury Selection Process | Trial, Civil Cases & Litigation, The U.S. Court Systems & History | Overview & Purpose of the Dual-Court System. The principle of police In turn, those experiences often follow them in their dreams and their overall quality of sleep will often be pretty poor due to that. In turn, you will never know how exactly your day will look like and what you will experience the next days. Some people may find this type of job exciting and like doing new tasks every day. It should come as little surprise, then, that police administrators, including police chiefs, are more likely to hold college and post-graduate degrees. In fact, unlawful behavior doesnt care about holidays too much and you as a police officer have to chase the bad guys on holidays as well. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Now that you got all the advantages and disadvantages of being a police officer, it is on you to evaluate all the arguments carefully to decide whether you want to become a cop or not. I conducted various interviews with employees to give you a good impression of what working in different fields will look like and that you can make the best possible decision regarding your future career choice. Officer Bob decides to intervene. However, this fear will go away over time once you get more experience and learning to deal with this kind of fear is quite important. 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